Central Data Service
Portfolio for West Africa / Portefeuille pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest
Email : davidn@dfdn.line.pm
(44) (0) 7943055280
Portefeuille pour le Burkina Faso
Portfolio for Ghana
Portfolio for Gambia
Portfolio for Nigeria
Portfolio Introduction - MP4 Video. Much promised and much awaited!
DFDN for Africa Manifesto aop - our business plan and portfolio. For android only until further notice. All our portfilio in one place. Feel free to download.
Photovoltaic Power Calculator
Download new photovoltaic power calculator app (Beta version, Android only)
Find your present GPS co-ordinates (you need to be connected using *HTTPS* for this to work on Chrome version 50 and over, have Javascript enabled, and grant permission)
Contact Details....
Downloads (PDF ETC)
Mains power supplies around the world - frequency, RMS voltage & connectors
Development of a low cost photovoltaic (solar!) inverter for the African market
Demonstration of a three phase inverter (230/400V phase to neutral/phase to phase, other voltages available where specified) low cost photovoltaic (solar!) inverter for the African market
Demonstration of PWM - pulsewidth modulation - techniques at low cost (In essence, one of the most advanced techniques at lowest feasible cost!) for potential deployment in Africa