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What is time management???
An essential and unavoidable necessity throughout one's working life! (Can my ladies, mother and students all please take note!!!) It's of vital and mission critical importance for online teachers if a smooth teaching operation – and of course good order (and my sanity!) are to be maintained!!! The schedule must be rigorously adhered to, I am afraid. It's the same rule for everyone, (No “can I just have my lesson now?” requests please!) I cannot have an inconsiderate individual trying to monopolise my time. Discussions will not be entered into.
Address Book: An addition to your daily calendar containing important names, addresses, phone numbers, and other valuable information.
Agenda: A list of items to be covered at your meeting.
Anticipation: The ability to go to one source each nigh in daily planning and review all of your appointments and scheduled events and to do list items coming up in the future and ask yourself what it is you can do in now to make that future event run more smoothly and productively.
Appointment: A specific commitment for a certain date and time, whether business or personal. (See scheduled events)
Balancing Your Life: The understanding that your life is made up of many dimensions and that long-term success requires that all dimensions need to be in balance with one another to avoid diminishing your success.
Basic Values: Core beliefs that you hold in the highest regard that govern the daily conduct of your life.
Birthday And Anniversary List: A simple way of tracking important dates so that they are not overlooked.
Clean Desk: Notion of working with one item at a time and the rest of what you must deal with is put away.
Context: Scheduling appointments and scheduled events taking into account what is happening before and after and considering your own work habits.
Crisis Management: This occurs when a deadline sneaks up on you and robs you of all choice.
Crisis Management Log: A simple tool to catalog crises as they occur to permit you take corrective action to prevent their re-occurrence.
Crucial: Of the highest importance in your day.
Curse of Perfectionism: The goal of trying to do things perfectly which is impossible and leads to stress and frustration.
Daily Planning: A time to set aside each day and take control of the most precious resource at your command, the next twenty-four hours, planning out all that you have to do and all that you want to do.
Day-Timer: A time control device manufactured and sold by the Day-Timer Company, Allentown, PA, USA.
Deadline: A date and time to complete something.
Delegatee: One who receives assigned tasks from another, a delegator.
Delegation: When you plug into someone else’s time stream when you do not have the time or the expertise do a certain thing, thereby multiplying the results on your life.
Delegator: One who assigns tasks to another, a delegatee.
Expense: You allocate a resource, money or time, and get a benefit but no long-term return for the resource spent.
Family: Your relationships with family members, natural and extended.
Financial: That portion of your life that permits you to make your way through the world and enjoy so much of what is out there.
Goal Planning: The practice of deciding where you want to end up on the last day of your life in each your seven vital areas and then working backward to determine what it is you will have to do each year, each month, each week, and each day to get to where you want to go.
Gopher: A student assistant to help with you errands.
Health: Your physical and mental well-being.
Holistic Approach: Having all of your to do items and all of your appointments and scheduled events in one book or location.
Industrial Revolution: A time, some 200 years ago when a fundamental shift in economics occurred from agriculture to manufacturing and heralded in an age of economic expansion.
Information Age: A new era where ideas rather than physical assets control wealth.
Integration: Having both work and personal calendars in one location to see the “big picture” as one relates to the other.
Intellectual: The life dimension of learning, thinking, and reasoning that provides you with more in this Information Age.
Interruption: An unanticipated event that comes to you in-person or electronically, via telephone, fax, email, beeper, or pager.
Interruptions Log: A simple tool to catalog interruptions as they occur to permit you to take corrective action and stop repetitive unimportant interruptions from occurring in the future.
Investment: You allocate a resource, money or time, and get a long-term return for the resource spent.
Irritations List: A simple list of things that irritate you. You capture them n this list and take action from time to time to eliminate some if the irritations in your life.
Life Improvement Chart: A simple tool to determine where you are now in each of your seven vital areas and where you wish to go in the future.
Meeting: Two or more people getting together to exchange common information.
Multi-Tasking: Do more than one thing at a time.
Not Crucial: An item low importance in your day.
Organising Your Life: Organising your life is the practice of gaining better control, not absolute control over both your work life and home life with simple techniques that allows you to focus on the important things in your life.
Paperwork: Information that comes to us in physical form including paper, emails, faxes, and memos.
Parkinson’s Law: A practical rule that says, in part, that a project tends to take as long as the time allocated for it. If you have one thing to do in a day, it takes all day. If you have two things to do in a day, you generally get both done.
Personal Productivity: The measure of all that you accomplish in your work and personal lives, measured against what your lifetime goals are.
Personal Productivity System: A pyramid of building blocks to help you achieve high productivity ion your day.
Power Of The Pen: The act of putting important things into writing so that they are not overlooked.
Spiritual: That portion of your life that governs your relationships with others, your community, your environment, and higher power.
Spring Fever Bug: Fictional bug that bites you and lulls you into wasting time. They exist to help you slow down and enjoy your life.
Staff: Employees who report to you.
Stress: The effects you feel when your reality falls short of your expectation.
Stuff: The minutiae, the on going flow of little tasks that can occupy any day.
Sub-Prioritising: Assigning descending values to groups of prioritised items. For example, if you have three A items, you would sub prioritise them as A-2, A-2, and A-3, in descending order of their value to you.
Success: When a person decides on where they want to be and achieves it.
The 7 x 7 Technique: Building in one small improvement in each of your seven vital areas to do for the next day, giving yourself the benefit of nearly 2,500 little improvements your future investing only ten minutes per day.
The 20/80 Rule: The 20/80 rule (sometimes flipped and referred to as the 80/20 rule) is formally known as the Pareto Principle. It states that 80 percent of business comes from 20 percent of the customers. Wilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) was an Italian economist who discovered that about 20 percent of the companies in an economy were responsible for about 80 percent of the then Gross National Product of a country. The other 80 percent of the companies made up the other 20 percent of the then Gross National Product.
Time: Your most precious resource. 24 hours in every day, seven days in every week, and 168 hours in total for everyone.
Time Log: A tool to catalog how your time is actual being spent to permit you to make adjustments in the future to increase your productivity.
Time Management: Time management is the art, science, and practice of gaining better control (not absolute control) over the entire 24 hours in your day to create both personal balance and increased productivity.
To Do List: A written list of what you have to do and what you want to do over the next 24 hours. It is roadmap for leverage the next 24 hours to maximise your success.
Uni Or Duo-Dimensional: Building you life one or two of the Seven Vital Areas and placing your success at risk if one or the other was to collapse.
Virtual Assistant: An assistant who helps you through the Internet to accomplish some of your tasks.
Working Smart: Leveraging the limited time you have each day to maximise results through simple time management tools.
Workweek: The time you spend in a seven-day period to earn the money you need to go through your life.