MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-05-27 05:03:58 UTC+0000 (103 days, 21 hrs, 29 mins, 26 secs ago)

In: 3,190,296,196
Out: 60,183,324
Total: 3,250,479,520

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 37)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
55768 228,389,380 3,878,371 232,267,751 0
55778 227,040,000 3,755,935 230,795,935 0
55777 226,629,442 3,751,179 230,380,621 0
55771 221,542,060 3,703,323 225,245,383 0
55803 218,360,101 3,657,015 222,017,116 0
55779 122,231,410 2,722,471 124,953,881 0
57803 111,160,318 1,506,814 112,667,132 0
55711 103,786,990 1,841,843 105,628,833 0
55723 95,600,610 1,695,511 97,296,121 0
55732 95,172,370 1,686,483 96,858,853 0
21638 89,293,238 1,576,835 90,870,073 0
55738 76,119,030 1,372,059 77,491,089 0
55725 71,881,380 1,259,711 73,141,091 0
55729 66,275,932 1,143,147 67,419,079 0
55737 61,044,839 1,063,903 62,108,742 0
55743 60,774,743 1,053,531 61,828,274 0
57301 55,855,136 926,681 56,781,817 0
55714 48,173,800 1,071,811 49,245,611 0
57486 47,881,723 777,617 48,659,340 0
55721 47,243,710 1,057,595 48,301,305 0
55728 46,326,480 1,016,707 47,343,187 0
57335 45,150,889 982,981 46,133,870 0
55739 33,715,440 755,279 34,470,719 0
57560 26,637,074 423,181 27,060,255 0
57715 25,820,307 417,009 26,237,316 0
57744 25,680,634 414,941 26,095,575 0
57033 25,033,339 548,914 25,582,253 0
57045 23,301,856 517,106 23,818,962 0
57270 21,299,635 463,210 21,762,845 0
57136 21,340,048 378,438 21,718,486 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 60,183,324 3,190,296,196 3,250,479,520 593

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 3,190,296,196 60,183,324 3,250,479,520