Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-11 18:06:23 UTC+0000 (88 days, 8 hrs, 18 mins, 24 secs ago)

In: 463,031,108
Out: 9,752,591
Total: 472,783,699

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 48)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
45862 17,230,222 338,939 17,569,161 0
41442 17,229,208 338,789 17,567,997 0
23164 16,281,140 322,399 16,603,539 0
41446 15,606,576 309,390 15,915,966 0
45894 15,017,568 289,791 15,307,359 0
45982 13,231,344 275,392 13,506,736 0
45922 13,072,394 255,403 13,327,797 0
45870 12,580,528 268,036 12,848,564 0
24778 12,309,445 245,503 12,554,948 0
45978 12,287,786 260,843 12,548,629 0
24770 12,254,080 245,447 12,499,527 0
45968 12,232,752 260,272 12,493,024 0
23384 12,118,330 242,308 12,360,638 0
24768 11,674,540 234,071 11,908,611 0
41440 9,969,626 208,084 10,177,710 0
45984 9,819,312 185,875 10,005,187 0
41444 8,129,906 171,100 8,301,006 0
35394 7,783,668 154,324 7,937,992 0
57860 7,390,785 155,376 7,546,161 0
46606 7,360,210 154,467 7,514,677 0
46012 7,325,980 153,907 7,479,887 0
45952 6,761,300 143,027 6,904,327 0
60228 6,580,967 139,982 6,720,949 0
45868 6,155,064 133,147 6,288,211 0
23398 5,664,632 117,524 5,782,156 0
45920 5,640,908 109,015 5,749,923 0
62778 5,509,561 114,185 5,623,746 0
24776 5,299,076 111,136 5,410,212 0
45878 5,256,436 115,467 5,371,903 0
46038 5,187,626 102,435 5,290,061 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 9,752,591 463,031,108 472,783,699 92

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 463,031,108 9,752,591 472,783,699