MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-02 18:12:33 UTC+0000 (5 days, 8 hrs, 19 mins, 18 secs ago)

In: 405,024,450
Out: 7,984,896
Total: 413,009,346

TCP ports on this host

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
42680 404,999,153 7,975,869 412,975,022 0
51422 2,340 0 2,340 39

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-9 of 9)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 7,975,869 404,999,153 412,975,022 0
51705 0 300 300 0
46363 0 300 300 0
56125 0 300 300 0
47655 0 300 300 0
35241 0 300 300 0
58563 0 300 300 0
38403 0 300 300 0
50945 0 240 240 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-23 of 23)
Port Service In Out Total
27073 11,324 5,112 16,436
23384 2,212 290 2,502
35079 1,347 550 1,897
51422 1,848 0 1,848
46114 626 572 1,198
59985 313 286 599
31424 340 145 485
53163 338 143 481
10773 327 131 458
31819 313 145 458
18079 313 145 458
23473 331 126 457
5973 330 126 456
25802 313 134 447
51480 313 134 447
15256 311 132 443
8366 296 131 427
17591 296 131 427
24856 300 126 426
15948 300 126 426
27146 300 126 426
21075 300 126 426
26107 112 90 202

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 5,957 17,009 22,966
51413 2,944 5,794 8,738
2861 126 0 126

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 405,001,493 7,975,869 412,977,362
17 udp 22,803 9,027 31,830
1 icmp 154 0 154