Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-05 23:31:44 UTC+0000 (94 days, 3 hrs, 7 mins, 50 secs ago)

In: 1,692,450,866
Out: 4,099,584,289
Total: 5,792,035,155

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 47)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
11375 28,482,832 1,471,730,996 1,500,213,828 0
11376 27,538,316 1,456,951,790 1,484,490,106 0
10113 828,878,096 18,446,048 847,324,144 0
9557 772,610,344 16,343,860 788,954,204 0
10627 12,595,072 635,504,729 648,099,801 0
10628 7,766,176 458,443,205 466,209,381 0
13019 834,448 41,494,034 42,328,482 0
11796 12,180,728 268,843 12,449,571 0
10467 81,700 55,144 136,844 0
10682 102,678 23,149 125,827 0
11014 85,312 10,296 95,608 0
10674 44,993 11,491 56,484 0
12384 28,034 5,970 34,004 0
10459 21,387 5,032 26,419 0
12682 16,260 2,239 18,499 0
10885 10,576 6,776 17,352 0
10319 7,376 9,576 16,952 0
10976 10,292 2,952 13,244 0
10851 10,292 2,952 13,244 0
10987 10,292 2,952 13,244 0
13150 10,292 2,952 13,244 0
10922 10,292 2,952 13,244 0
9386 8,964 2,643 11,607 0
10937 7,284 3,742 11,026 0
10843 7,344 2,854 10,198 0
12055 6,912 2,705 9,617 0
12775 6,569 701 7,270 0
10438 5,599 1,531 7,130 0
12806 5,727 673 6,400 0
12244 5,672 685 6,357 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 4,099,224,199 1,691,050,316 5,790,274,515 20
666 295,010 1,311,474 1,606,484 548
2049 nfs 64,720 89,076 153,796 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 1,692,450,866 4,099,583,929 5,792,034,795
1 icmp 0 360 360