Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-12-26 15:19:28 UTC+0000 (256 days, 11 hrs, 10 mins, 2 secs ago)

In: 384,559,796
Out: 7,355,743
Total: 391,915,539

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 37)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
51708 519 388 907 0
56111 216 336 552 0
55349 216 336 552 0
63658 216 336 552 0
64847 216 336 552 0
53127 216 284 500 0
63838 216 284 500 0
55454 216 284 500 0
54069 216 284 500 0
49996 216 284 500 0
61347 216 284 500 0
51816 216 284 500 0
51519 216 284 500 0
64854 216 284 500 0
64342 216 284 500 0
54660 216 284 500 0
63328 216 284 500 0
53879 216 284 500 0
53518 216 284 500 0
63954 216 284 500 0
49300 216 284 500 0
56491 216 284 500 0
58306 216 284 500 0
49223 216 284 500 0
51915 216 284 500 0
63202 216 284 500 0
52982 216 284 500 0
51374 216 284 500 0
50579 216 284 500 0
56641 216 284 500 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 10,804 8,119 18,923 37

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 48)
Port Service In Out Total
1079 384,243,157 7,060,051 391,303,208
45506 82,235 16,042 98,277
46760 26,930 3,592 30,522
1025 12,759 5,866 18,625
1124 14,462 2,979 17,441
1024 9,064 1,168 10,232
1028 8,300 1,904 10,204
1123 9,504 0 9,504
1077 4,103 4,785 8,888
1029 7,578 393 7,971
1125 7,656 0 7,656
1127 7,392 0 7,392
1128 6,926 131 7,057
1031 5,215 1,776 6,991
1158 5,743 396 6,139
1037 4,418 1,166 5,584
1 4,957 624 5,581
1030 3,587 1,642 5,229
1137 4,361 265 4,626
1050 1,526 2,979 4,505
1129 4,224 0 4,224
1133 4,224 0 4,224
1084 3,556 393 3,949
1033 3,230 131 3,361
1130 3,168 0 3,168
1039 2,702 131 2,833
1034 2,500 262 2,762
1134 2,640 0 2,640
1141 2,451 134 2,585
1161 2,451 134 2,585

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 7,113,874 384,551,200 391,665,074
1446 131 0 131
2086 gnunet 131 0 131

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
17 udp 384,551,200 7,114,136 391,665,336
1 icmp 477 230,803 231,280
6 tcp 8,119 10,804 18,923