Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-06 04:53:00 UTC+0000 (93 days, 21 hrs, 45 mins, 49 secs ago)

In: 51,985,209
Out: 2,472,947,793
Total: 2,524,933,002

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 41)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22195 47,761,532 2,472,067,225 2,519,828,757 0
22624 98,748 9,074 107,822 0
22286 64,856 14,363 79,219 0
25109 29,665 6,147 35,812 0
21895 12,341 727 13,068 0
25583 8,124 1,769 9,893 0
24727 8,590 711 9,301 0
23358 8,453 751 9,204 0
24258 8,308 823 9,131 0
21921 8,254 687 8,941 0
24303 7,169 1,530 8,699 0
21913 7,740 847 8,587 0
22719 7,553 687 8,240 0
22726 7,541 687 8,228 0
22871 7,136 767 7,903 0
21929 7,139 751 7,890 0
25539 7,070 711 7,781 0
25506 7,020 751 7,771 0
22773 7,076 687 7,763 0
22758 7,040 647 7,687 0
23342 6,968 699 7,667 0
21834 6,854 767 7,621 0
21792 6,828 771 7,599 0
21682 6,862 711 7,573 0
21708 6,826 727 7,553 0
22680 6,596 807 7,403 0
22881 6,568 823 7,391 0
21761 6,592 767 7,359 0
22717 6,608 739 7,347 0
21786 6,492 779 7,271 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
2049 nfs 2,472,067,225 47,761,532 2,519,828,757 0
666 873,000 4,135,217 5,008,217 1,513
22 ssh 6,486 87,656 94,142 1
80 http 822 604 1,426 4
7890 260 200 460 5

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 51,985,209 2,472,947,793 2,524,933,002