Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-02 03:19:27 UTC+0000 (97 days, 23 hrs, 20 mins, 21 secs ago)

In: 1,622,951,469
Out: 2,175,765,160
Total: 3,798,716,629

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 57)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
56455 1,057,748,528 19,713,847 1,077,462,375 0
56995 376,418,868 9,247,207 385,666,075 0
55734 2,605,236 94,899 2,700,135 0
55424 1,277,127 35,259 1,312,386 0
54683 736,288 280,144 1,016,432 0
55438 841,188 20,888 862,076 0
55425 825,400 20,428 845,828 0
57073 800,216 38,127 838,343 0
53503 761,668 31,206 792,874 0
54700 478,583 8,243 486,826 0
55451 381,480 13,295 394,775 0
54408 180,876 107,164 288,040 0
53794 234,857 52,781 287,638 0
55922 176,663 36,855 213,518 0
55466 206,032 6,912 212,944 0
55467 201,460 8,375 209,835 0
55443 198,600 7,243 205,843 0
53887 196,851 8,098 204,949 0
55446 194,265 7,591 201,856 0
55448 192,836 7,427 200,263 0
55426 189,974 7,223 197,197 0
53883 176,965 6,367 183,332 0
53875 162,738 6,455 169,193 0
53881 159,736 6,935 166,671 0
54551 109,051 24,890 133,941 0
55471 125,340 4,600 129,940 0
53495 102,655 23,572 126,227 0
54448 88,940 24,591 113,531 0
55732 103,601 2,058 105,659 0
54277 86,644 18,860 105,504 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 38)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 29,539,351 1,439,295,420 1,468,834,771 12
666 2,018,177 8,667,889 10,686,066 3,266
26229 34,612 1,274,460 1,309,072 1
21951 20,888 841,188 862,076 2
12841 20,428 825,400 845,828 2
7890 8,503 478,783 487,286 6
10043 12,688 378,832 391,520 1
70 gopher 5,405 231,263 236,668 9
24007 6,912 206,032 212,944 1
27971 7,728 198,832 206,560 1
50163 6,596 195,952 202,548 1
10871 6,904 191,580 198,484 1
13428 6,844 191,580 198,424 1
13647 6,820 190,192 197,012 1
16687 6,616 187,312 193,928 1
30475 5,760 174,300 180,060 1
19742 5,808 160,072 165,880 2
29542 6,328 157,072 163,400 1
6714 4,600 125,340 129,940 1
80 http 2,853 104,309 107,162 4
1965 gemini 3,144 90,517 93,661 2
22640 1,888 50,511 52,399 1
21 ftp 20,131 26,370 46,501 5
27325 892 23,935 24,827 1
45536 1,016 22,067 23,083 1
43743 464 21,101 21,565 1
53227 540 10,260 10,800 2
8342 468 9,390 9,858 2
50865 424 6,367 6,791 1
52040 408 5,010 5,418 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-11 of 11)
Port Service In Out Total
57036 90,108,384 1,144,822,184 1,234,930,568
55197 9,435,620 485,799,224 495,234,844
54819 28,818,624 255,560,192 284,378,816
55225 5,106,052 248,776,420 253,882,472
53377 28,198,008 5,490,540 33,688,548
56196 4,147,396 1,976,632 6,124,028
55790 2,471,980 1,323,872 3,795,852
53376 148,548 54,744 203,292
54213 98,664 72,032 170,696
54590 61,884 19,024 80,908
57037 76 76 152

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total
51820 pivpn 2,143,894,864 168,595,160 2,312,490,024
123 ntp 76 76 152

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
17 udp 168,595,236 2,143,894,940 2,312,490,176
6 tcp 1,454,356,233 31,765,456 1,486,121,689
1 icmp 0 104,764 104,764