MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-11-05 09:02:26 UTC+0000 (307 days, 17 hrs, 24 mins, 28 secs ago)

In: 316,600,396
Out: 5,664,318
Total: 322,264,714

TCP ports on this host

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
56768 316,581,427 5,645,940 322,227,367 0
16804 14,816 8,579 23,395 14

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-15 of 15)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 5,645,940 316,581,427 322,227,367 0
35421 646 1,368 2,014 0
39749 656 1,351 2,007 0
35047 624 1,254 1,878 0
54781 596 1,270 1,866 0
43501 818 1,020 1,838 0
52733 780 1,042 1,822 0
51445 625 1,195 1,820 0
55921 669 1,084 1,753 0
55289 591 1,118 1,709 0
46031 830 839 1,669 0
53477 615 1,053 1,668 0
38461 661 829 1,490 0
58409 336 1,145 1,481 0
41993 132 248 380 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
16804 4,153 9,799 13,952

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 9,799 4,153 13,952

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 316,596,243 5,654,519 322,250,762
17 udp 4,153 9,799 13,952