Hostname: undefined.hostname.localhost
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-04-23 17:23:09 UTC+0000 (137 days, 9 hrs, 5 mins, 22 secs ago)

In: 528,987,104
Out: 10,752,230
Total: 539,739,334

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 43)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
62269 528,861,712 10,618,277 539,479,989 0
63871 613 635 1,248 0
64481 594 623 1,217 0
59543 553 663 1,216 0
49530 509 623 1,132 0
65500 509 623 1,132 0
65355 509 623 1,132 0
64589 509 623 1,132 0
49295 509 623 1,132 0
62324 509 623 1,132 0
65111 509 623 1,132 0
63493 509 623 1,132 0
62062 509 623 1,132 0
49770 509 623 1,132 0
63966 509 623 1,132 0
62111 509 623 1,132 0
56559 508 623 1,131 0
63055 508 623 1,131 0
63421 508 623 1,131 0
57881 508 623 1,131 0
62064 508 623 1,131 0
57530 508 623 1,131 0
53078 508 623 1,131 0
57389 508 623 1,131 0
63023 508 623 1,131 0
52780 508 623 1,131 0
64561 508 623 1,131 0
61088 507 623 1,130 0
61741 507 623 1,130 0
60481 508 583 1,091 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-18 of 18)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 10,655,778 528,901,103 539,556,881 107
2117 8,528 6,560 15,088 164
2134 1,716 1,320 3,036 33
2137 1,508 1,160 2,668 29
2123 1,196 920 2,116 23
2120 1,040 800 1,840 20
2147 780 600 1,380 15
2119 gsigatekeeper 676 520 1,196 13
2140 572 440 1,012 11
2142 572 440 1,012 11
2122 468 360 828 9
2121 iprop 416 320 736 8
2118 416 320 736 8
2146 312 240 552 6
2139 312 240 552 6
2129 260 200 460 5
2128 52 40 92 1
2138 52 40 92 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 45)
Port Service In Out Total
17591 27,365 11,119 38,484
55268 1,734 3,201 4,935
19885 1,786 3,009 4,795
24633 1,735 3,057 4,792
43417 1,189 1,910 3,099
54660 1,191 1,670 2,861
38529 1,191 1,526 2,717
15036 1,190 1,526 2,716
47638 595 1,195 1,790
25821 597 1,051 1,648
18392 596 1,051 1,647
43962 595 1,051 1,646
11527 595 1,051 1,646
59436 595 1,003 1,598
46863 542 1,051 1,593
31693 597 907 1,504
14185 597 907 1,504
40645 596 907 1,503
13223 596 907 1,503
56736 596 907 1,503
63310 596 907 1,503
42427 596 907 1,503
59944 596 907 1,503
60150 595 907 1,502
10852 594 907 1,501
47151 543 907 1,450
11641 595 763 1,358
54476 595 763 1,358
18426 150 692 842
19871 0 720 720

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-18 of 18)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 36,760 49,669 86,429
43795 4,704 0 4,704
2117 2,928 0 2,928
2134 864 0 864
2137 864 0 864
2123 816 0 816
2122 720 0 720
2121 576 0 576
2120 576 0 576
2118 384 0 384
2119 336 0 336
2147 144 0 144
2142 144 0 144
2146 144 0 144
2138 144 0 144
2139 144 0 144
2128 144 0 144
2140 144 0 144

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 528,915,623 10,674,654 539,590,277
17 udp 49,669 50,536 100,205
1 icmp 21,812 27,040 48,852