Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-23 07:22:00 UTC+0000 (15 days, 19 hrs, 5 mins, 52 secs ago)

In: 13,768,103
Out: 860,329,455
Total: 874,097,558

TCP ports on this host

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
62389 11,132,959 736,703,720 747,836,679 0
49184 1,862,003 123,463,872 125,325,875 0
14082 3,180 0 3,180 53
58853 780 0 780 13
1448 240 0 240 4

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-21 of 21)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 860,167,592 12,994,962 873,162,554 2
47867 0 300 300 0
36997 0 240 240 0
47335 0 240 240 0
56063 0 240 240 0
53237 0 240 240 0
59723 0 240 240 0
41985 0 240 240 0
53923 0 240 240 0
52259 0 240 240 0
48911 0 240 240 0
35035 0 240 240 0
38217 0 240 240 0
35527 0 180 180 0
52691 0 180 180 0
37299 0 180 180 0
46149 0 180 180 0
35315 0 180 180 0
55665 0 120 120 0
45181 0 120 120 0
50573 0 120 120 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 58)
Port Service In Out Total
14082 646,695 121,100 767,795
1448 53,709 27,846 81,555
61848 17,536 8,287 25,823
58853 8,976 0 8,976
16266 1,565 670 2,235
11703 1,200 504 1,704
64778 300 0 300
13113 300 0 300
13416 300 0 300
7554 300 0 300
61442 300 0 300
48512 300 0 300
1583 300 0 300
632 300 0 300
51879 300 0 300
16807 300 0 300
47882 300 0 300
43535 300 0 300
47529 300 0 300
30680 300 0 300
4150 300 0 300
6036 300 0 300
43668 300 0 300
64140 300 0 300
26701 300 0 300
31032 300 0 300
18088 300 0 300
58758 300 0 300
54351 300 0 300
25308 300 0 300

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 33)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 141,701 721,007 862,708
51413 4,034 8,674 12,708
40256 5,148 0 5,148
49335 2,244 0 2,244
1031 1,584 0 1,584
1025 528 0 528
1026 528 0 528
22573 0 400 400
1 396 0 396
1030 396 0 396
11190 0 300 300
22360 0 300 300
41733 0 300 300
13742 0 300 300
30170 0 300 300
11610 0 300 300
24193 0 200 200
62363 0 100 100
27496 0 100 100
38655 0 100 100
33073 0 100 100
60724 0 100 100
59828 0 100 100
23120 0 100 100
16015 0 100 100
12775 0 100 100
35720 0 100 100
58614 0 100 100
5193 0 100 100
32678 0 100 100

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 12,999,162 860,167,592 873,166,754
17 udp 753,581 158,407 911,988
1 icmp 15,360 3,456 18,816