MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-04-18 08:33:27 UTC+0000 (142 days, 17 hrs, 50 mins, 52 secs ago)

In: 234,690,245
Out: 6,202,919
Total: 240,893,164

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 34)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
45504 1,811,526 44,300 1,855,826 0
18980 1,783,292 47,197 1,830,489 0
15230 1,769,918 44,043 1,813,961 0
18966 1,768,432 44,925 1,813,357 0
52410 1,734,254 48,850 1,783,104 0
58406 1,703,048 47,970 1,751,018 0
65308 1,691,160 41,088 1,732,248 0
65322 1,576,738 42,214 1,618,952 0
15212 1,557,420 40,731 1,598,151 0
33132 1,548,544 49,001 1,597,545 0
18956 1,505,410 41,587 1,546,997 0
45480 1,493,522 43,316 1,536,838 0
5572 1,496,494 38,138 1,534,632 0
45484 1,490,550 41,815 1,532,365 0
24292 1,486,092 39,755 1,525,847 0
40986 1,447,456 37,884 1,485,340 0
10358 1,432,596 39,545 1,472,141 0
41012 1,428,138 41,409 1,469,547 0
65306 1,429,624 39,304 1,468,928 0
41026 1,429,624 39,175 1,468,799 0
56890 1,428,138 39,306 1,467,444 0
15018 1,414,764 40,059 1,454,823 0
17476 1,386,530 40,750 1,427,280 0
10366 1,388,016 38,127 1,426,143 0
3386 1,388,016 38,082 1,426,098 0
24272 1,382,072 39,229 1,421,301 0
3404 1,382,072 38,221 1,420,293 0
40862 1,368,698 40,554 1,409,252 0
24316 1,361,268 37,591 1,398,859 0
5576 1,361,268 37,352 1,398,620 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 6,202,919 234,690,245 240,893,164 214

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 234,690,245 6,202,919 240,893,164