MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-04 15:45:42 UTC+0000 (3 days, 10 hrs, 39 mins, 11 secs ago)

In: 309,962,140
Out: 8,316,576
Total: 318,278,716

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 58)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
5494 2,098,324 60,360 2,158,684 0
10418 1,994,304 46,320 2,040,624 0
54982 1,978,064 52,392 2,030,456 0
5496 1,957,154 51,752 2,008,906 0
41560 1,948,238 56,215 2,004,453 0
63028 1,927,434 59,282 1,986,716 0
23082 1,918,518 53,102 1,971,620 0
55054 1,918,988 50,745 1,969,733 0
62986 1,902,172 45,701 1,947,873 0
22318 1,881,368 44,721 1,926,089 0
10428 1,853,174 53,264 1,906,438 0
1626 1,804,136 52,840 1,856,976 0
5352 1,734,254 47,814 1,782,068 0
60780 1,731,282 44,093 1,775,375 0
3522 1,700,076 44,608 1,744,684 0
48828 1,637,664 49,740 1,687,404 0
5738 1,630,234 42,965 1,673,199 0
43550 1,619,832 52,661 1,672,493 0
45666 1,637,664 29,220 1,666,884 0
53762 1,616,860 43,504 1,660,364 0
27134 1,610,916 43,686 1,654,602 0
29088 1,601,281 47,750 1,649,031 0
5742 1,588,626 50,999 1,639,625 0
19972 1,585,654 41,564 1,627,218 0
44336 1,576,738 42,630 1,619,368 0
44328 1,566,336 49,007 1,615,343 0
44318 1,561,878 41,411 1,603,289 0
60774 1,560,392 41,744 1,602,136 0
65480 1,552,962 46,354 1,599,316 0
28244 1,557,420 40,504 1,597,924 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 8,158,996 307,287,534 315,446,530 265
443 https 157,580 2,674,606 2,832,186 94

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 309,962,140 8,316,576 318,278,716