MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-17 02:18:58 UTC+0000 (2 days, 14 hrs, 47 mins, 0 secs ago)

In: 1,236,489,657
Out: 24,013,089
Total: 1,260,502,746

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 37)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
60518 24,919,750 471,941 25,391,691 0
58498 22,024,222 423,685 22,447,907 0
45334 22,031,548 410,130 22,441,678 0
46140 21,963,192 413,971 22,377,163 0
37296 21,973,594 400,071 22,373,665 0
54428 21,963,192 407,708 22,370,900 0
49462 21,967,650 401,015 22,368,665 0
48790 21,963,244 403,411 22,366,655 0
55094 21,970,622 395,925 22,366,547 0
39162 21,960,220 401,268 22,361,488 0
50342 21,963,192 397,898 22,361,090 0
60232 21,960,324 392,314 22,352,638 0
44778 21,946,846 405,721 22,352,567 0
55212 21,949,818 402,646 22,352,464 0
53218 21,949,818 398,541 22,348,359 0
49788 21,937,930 404,130 22,342,060 0
58970 21,931,986 401,557 22,333,543 0
52014 21,929,014 401,638 22,330,652 0
42974 21,931,986 396,986 22,328,972 0
55452 21,933,472 395,454 22,328,926 0
35034 21,924,556 403,649 22,328,205 0
59148 21,933,472 394,694 22,328,166 0
39806 21,920,098 401,270 22,321,368 0
59658 21,912,668 396,218 22,308,886 0
47086 21,911,182 396,630 22,307,812 0
40132 21,915,640 390,782 22,306,422 0
33898 21,906,724 398,038 22,304,762 0
48362 21,900,780 403,562 22,304,342 0
57432 21,897,808 399,830 22,297,638 0
44222 21,899,294 392,762 22,292,056 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 24,013,089 1,236,489,657 1,260,502,746 431

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 1,236,489,657 24,013,089 1,260,502,746