Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-04 02:16:13 UTC+0000 (4 days, 0 hrs, 9 mins, 5 secs ago)

In: 206,821,941
Out: 3,864,004
Total: 210,685,945

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 31)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
4282 206,711,304 3,806,087 210,517,391 0
57445 30,831 1,392 32,223 0
63416 80 120 200 0
49674 40 60 100 0
57313 40 60 100 0
55531 40 60 100 0
55595 40 60 100 0
56565 40 60 100 0
51829 40 60 100 0
59962 40 60 100 0
52177 40 60 100 0
50418 40 60 100 0
62944 40 60 100 0
63776 40 60 100 0
54304 40 60 100 0
49660 40 60 100 0
63814 40 60 100 0
64285 40 60 100 0
49419 40 60 100 0
62050 40 60 100 0
54457 40 60 100 0
63975 40 60 100 0
54357 40 60 100 0
62467 40 60 100 0
61704 40 60 100 0
50550 40 60 100 0
57997 40 60 100 0
54912 40 60 100 0
52009 40 60 100 0
55703 40 60 100 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 3,807,479 206,742,135 210,549,614 2
53775 29,160 19,440 48,600 486

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 49)
Port Service In Out Total
29415 4,864 1,848 6,712
60587 2,366 1,001 3,367
49992 1,286 597 1,883
20468 1,584 0 1,584
10805 667 282 949
52045 667 282 949
62473 667 282 949
16186 667 282 949
22462 667 282 949
56162 667 282 949
43064 676 264 940
40770 489 422 911
17504 622 286 908
61665 622 264 886
17365 622 264 886
8110 488 394 882
21009 488 394 882
14473 464 394 858
59415 456 394 850
37153 448 394 842
42063 416 394 810
8195 408 394 802
22968 0 792 792
38766 587 145 732
51349 523 145 668
54547 523 145 668
30659 0 660 660
62048 340 282 622
38070 467 145 612
57453 467 145 612

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-4 of 4)
Port Service In Out Total
51413 13,601 28,956 42,557
49757 11,916 29,170 41,086
40553 1,056 0 1,056
1353 792 0 792

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 206,761,575 3,836,639 210,598,214
17 udp 58,126 27,365 85,491
1 icmp 2,240 0 2,240