MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-19 06:47:18 UTC+0000 (19 days, 19 hrs, 37 mins, 23 secs ago)

In: 356,865,111
Out: 6,678,209
Total: 363,543,320

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 36)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
46142 3,080,902 37,720 3,118,622 0
52640 2,844,527 15,653 2,860,180 0
49236 2,432,954 22,476 2,455,430 0
43268 2,235,108 36,170 2,271,278 0
40950 2,197,748 29,641 2,227,389 0
38376 2,143,028 32,518 2,175,546 0
59854 2,138,622 16,592 2,155,214 0
47058 2,077,032 29,111 2,106,143 0
40948 2,080,616 24,474 2,105,090 0
49230 2,017,134 31,273 2,048,407 0
43084 2,022,766 18,938 2,041,704 0
47070 2,003,972 11,350 2,015,322 0
44294 1,970,652 32,693 2,003,345 0
43812 1,973,520 22,870 1,996,390 0
35908 1,936,526 30,476 1,967,002 0
53162 1,941,400 20,023 1,961,423 0
36884 1,918,815 10,970 1,929,785 0
34170 1,882,874 20,213 1,903,087 0
54868 1,873,252 19,734 1,892,986 0
58406 1,856,178 11,827 1,868,005 0
41612 1,830,692 14,143 1,844,835 0
38354 1,801,352 21,502 1,822,854 0
41622 1,780,600 27,866 1,808,466 0
52624 1,778,621 13,203 1,791,824 0
43834 1,732,818 39,122 1,771,940 0
34060 1,725,410 22,971 1,748,381 0
36900 1,733,438 13,128 1,746,566 0
36882 1,724,860 16,456 1,741,316 0
50760 1,720,952 19,609 1,740,561 0
44310 1,688,208 17,042 1,705,250 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 6,500,879 345,080,918 351,581,797 571
443 https 173,369 11,779,407 11,952,776 56
666 3,961 4,786 8,747 6

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 356,865,111 6,678,209 363,543,320