MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-11-17 15:06:10 UTC+0000 (295 days, 11 hrs, 21 mins, 16 secs ago)

In: 7,633,967,819
Out: 88,986,367
Total: 7,722,954,186

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 45)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
28154 2,429,980,592 26,678,180 2,456,658,772 0
28862 926,253,144 10,003,224 936,256,368 0
26028 884,412,688 10,024,876 894,437,564 0
27030 608,414,298 9,988,163 618,402,461 0
27258 268,247,550 2,785,092 271,032,642 0
26738 260,396,255 2,864,448 263,260,703 0
28986 69,424,818 813,528 70,238,346 0
27196 68,766,092 804,104 69,570,196 0
27248 68,573,160 820,788 69,393,948 0
25934 68,325,191 829,324 69,154,515 0
26586 68,168,404 802,116 68,970,520 0
26132 68,155,982 765,000 68,920,982 0
27390 68,077,148 791,700 68,868,848 0
25418 67,929,384 752,796 68,682,180 0
29034 67,909,418 747,732 68,657,150 0
26550 67,728,490 772,180 68,500,670 0
27620 67,578,824 756,096 68,334,920 0
26746 67,523,632 758,000 68,281,632 0
25986 67,246,160 770,568 68,016,728 0
26864 67,223,134 786,844 68,009,978 0
25478 66,890,314 738,700 67,629,014 0
28662 66,854,912 634,828 67,489,740 0
29030 66,710,324 719,396 67,429,720 0
25630 66,582,218 764,220 67,346,438 0
26560 66,597,072 731,736 67,328,808 0
26760 66,518,626 753,856 67,272,482 0
28070 66,363,401 775,072 67,138,473 0
28502 66,101,472 778,324 66,879,796 0
25730 66,135,746 741,916 66,877,662 0
25848 65,974,284 752,300 66,726,584 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 49)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
42428 26,678,180 2,429,980,592 2,456,658,772 1
37772 10,003,008 926,252,513 936,255,521 1
39324 10,024,876 884,412,688 894,437,564 1
22 ssh 9,988,163 608,414,298 618,402,461 1
21782 2,785,092 268,247,550 271,032,642 1
39804 2,864,448 260,396,255 263,260,703 1
26248 804,104 68,766,092 69,570,196 1
33859 814,688 68,407,002 69,221,690 1
53028 827,860 68,287,734 69,115,594 1
28691 802,116 68,168,404 68,970,520 1
20455 765,000 68,155,982 68,920,982 1
18393 791,700 68,077,148 68,868,848 1
22867 752,796 67,929,384 68,682,180 1
51430 747,732 67,909,418 68,657,150 1
59824 772,180 67,728,490 68,500,670 1
38820 756,096 67,578,824 68,334,920 1
6447 758,000 67,523,632 68,281,632 1
41395 770,568 67,246,160 68,016,728 1
21762 786,844 67,223,134 68,009,978 1
56841 738,700 66,890,314 67,629,014 1
36550 634,828 66,854,912 67,489,740 1
6574 719,396 66,710,324 67,429,720 1
37851 764,220 66,582,218 67,346,438 1
35020 731,736 66,597,072 67,328,808 1
50937 753,856 66,518,626 67,272,482 1
58228 774,752 66,359,794 67,134,546 1
61047 778,324 66,101,472 66,879,796 1
22447 741,916 66,135,746 66,877,662 1
5421 752,300 65,974,284 66,726,584 1
32304 754,780 65,921,812 66,676,592 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 7,633,967,819 88,986,367 7,722,954,186