MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-06 11:57:49 UTC+0000 (10 days, 8 hrs, 28 mins, 8 secs ago)

In: 778,278,321
Out: 17,252,467
Total: 795,530,788

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 43)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
51356 242,225,408 4,345,703 246,571,111 0
62658 49,434,136 972,392 50,406,528 0
52388 47,489,424 933,548 48,422,972 0
34816 43,435,409 876,551 44,311,960 0
45062 40,694,895 809,188 41,504,083 0
58146 32,656,638 691,283 33,347,921 0
61780 31,366,131 658,647 32,024,778 0
49198 30,254,698 627,977 30,882,675 0
59182 27,861,195 589,028 28,450,223 0
45774 22,287,800 499,073 22,786,873 0
54234 20,556,253 465,023 21,021,276 0
56280 19,870,210 461,295 20,331,505 0
56420 17,412,657 420,397 17,833,054 0
41072 14,782,663 361,491 15,144,154 0
48478 13,741,800 350,035 14,091,835 0
38660 11,762,205 316,542 12,078,747 0
58100 9,512,714 283,157 9,795,871 0
58214 8,841,501 259,033 9,100,534 0
47404 8,814,914 259,009 9,073,923 0
55284 8,751,013 253,081 9,004,094 0
47310 7,256,009 241,604 7,497,613 0
38454 6,066,336 220,635 6,286,971 0
36418 5,783,844 207,292 5,991,136 0
60176 5,698,504 194,199 5,892,703 0
60490 4,796,633 176,767 4,973,400 0
42306 4,547,519 171,279 4,718,798 0
38452 4,527,539 168,175 4,695,714 0
42410 4,483,124 158,937 4,642,061 0
47206 4,373,951 162,720 4,536,671 0
63786 4,301,965 162,091 4,464,056 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 17,251,719 778,275,699 795,527,418 192
443 https 748 2,622 3,370 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 778,278,321 17,252,467 795,530,788