Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-06 11:11:37 UTC+0000 (1 day, 15 hrs, 11 mins, 25 secs ago)

In: 1,937,797,955
Out: 39,233,830
Total: 1,977,031,785

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 48)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
64196 318,350,350 5,606,170 323,956,520 0
34228 285,804,356 4,872,800 290,677,156 0
51006 223,215,184 3,990,944 227,206,128 0
46270 108,299,461 2,024,450 110,323,911 0
65136 92,193,279 1,719,574 93,912,853 0
34634 64,772,965 1,219,770 65,992,735 0
60284 63,898,851 1,220,342 65,119,193 0
43960 47,083,511 926,267 48,009,778 0
37244 45,533,209 893,039 46,426,248 0
32818 45,125,356 890,854 46,016,210 0
40342 41,446,452 849,348 42,295,800 0
45968 36,143,895 734,659 36,878,554 0
36314 34,850,443 717,064 35,567,507 0
35040 31,958,286 668,607 32,626,893 0
53796 25,464,594 547,824 26,012,418 0
54022 24,534,665 529,443 25,064,108 0
33676 21,385,794 476,132 21,861,926 0
65180 20,786,105 467,833 21,253,938 0
32912 20,751,341 466,809 21,218,150 0
50178 19,935,230 452,138 20,387,368 0
42628 19,759,869 465,434 20,225,303 0
50060 19,426,632 443,844 19,870,476 0
52488 18,850,103 436,422 19,286,525 0
35254 17,685,226 427,868 18,113,094 0
49710 17,460,237 414,282 17,874,519 0
58122 17,091,359 406,366 17,497,725 0
65434 16,494,458 383,836 16,878,294 0
51098 16,300,134 383,899 16,684,033 0
56840 15,970,997 379,742 16,350,739 0
40128 15,857,551 382,489 16,240,040 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 39,233,830 1,937,797,955 1,977,031,785 257

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 1,937,797,955 39,233,830 1,977,031,785