Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-04 11:24:34 UTC+0000 (3 days, 15 hrs, 8 mins, 29 secs ago)

In: 622,254,155
Out: 11,536,647
Total: 633,790,802

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 44)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
34660 327,395,427 5,704,408 333,099,835 0
55730 211,561,201 3,874,381 215,435,582 0
60184 28,875,851 569,511 29,445,362 0
60244 20,106,082 428,299 20,534,381 0
53458 13,812,879 310,917 14,123,796 0
56324 6,020,772 159,267 6,180,039 0
47160 4,706,505 135,277 4,841,782 0
43578 4,156,353 123,587 4,279,940 0
51998 2,905,217 111,280 3,016,497 0
65238 1,418,709 59,887 1,478,596 0
55108 616,007 21,904 637,911 0
55882 146,975 5,356 152,331 0
42370 145,725 5,524 151,249 0
48456 48,642 2,151 50,793 0
36832 42,972 1,845 44,817 0
37962 36,159 1,696 37,855 0
43814 33,188 1,637 34,825 0
57946 31,856 1,585 33,441 0
49094 25,760 1,331 27,091 0
63914 23,873 1,251 25,124 0
52692 22,632 1,220 23,852 0
63468 14,466 925 15,391 0
55818 13,004 855 13,859 0
53180 11,416 798 12,214 0
34636 10,379 792 11,171 0
61670 8,939 765 9,704 0
36416 7,898 740 8,638 0
63904 6,843 706 7,549 0
41688 6,385 670 7,055 0
33102 4,983 578 5,561 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 11,536,647 622,254,155 633,790,802 43

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 622,254,155 11,536,647 633,790,802