Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-05 09:43:28 UTC+0000 (2 days, 16 hrs, 50 mins, 41 secs ago)

In: 1,191,601,752
Out: 20,960,698
Total: 1,212,562,450

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 46)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
33994 864,471,732 14,685,243 879,156,975 0
35590 250,228,769 4,304,648 254,533,417 0
46606 32,275,786 627,224 32,903,010 0
46468 14,817,084 365,909 15,182,993 0
63134 8,871,754 249,718 9,121,472 0
56040 6,553,374 230,136 6,783,510 0
60094 5,832,513 188,147 6,020,660 0
51100 3,009,542 107,705 3,117,247 0
37856 2,498,071 86,663 2,584,734 0
41856 1,108,928 35,755 1,144,683 0
51588 683,192 22,765 705,957 0
43028 447,835 15,077 462,912 0
50354 291,171 9,953 301,124 0
57500 220,743 7,998 228,741 0
34138 37,952 1,631 39,583 0
63928 36,733 1,715 38,448 0
44604 27,988 1,375 29,363 0
33904 27,350 1,240 28,590 0
55112 16,616 975 17,591 0
57410 14,466 941 15,407 0
56666 14,347 947 15,294 0
64018 13,299 904 14,203 0
64684 10,773 731 11,504 0
43860 8,371 713 9,084 0
62122 7,909 672 8,581 0
59826 7,602 663 8,265 0
45328 7,602 603 8,205 0
62390 6,395 654 7,049 0
49826 5,095 594 5,689 0
43428 4,342 550 4,892 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 20,960,698 1,191,601,752 1,212,562,450 45

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 1,191,601,752 20,960,698 1,212,562,450