MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-06 11:18:35 UTC+0000 (10 days, 8 hrs, 56 mins, 42 secs ago)

In: 529,551,996
Out: 9,478,708
Total: 539,030,704

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 37)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
58562 394,957,270 6,738,144 401,695,414 0
35338 57,824,002 1,060,748 58,884,750 0
38420 41,927,422 797,675 42,725,097 0
58270 25,290,869 541,345 25,832,214 0
38658 6,481,043 218,621 6,699,664 0
56702 2,615,787 92,398 2,708,185 0
59016 209,063 7,586 216,649 0
43498 45,025 2,040 47,065 0
49182 36,159 1,696 37,855 0
63074 29,201 1,473 30,674 0
38876 18,460 1,062 19,522 0
40398 11,928 855 12,783 0
56970 10,773 835 11,608 0
59646 10,679 800 11,479 0
56294 7,477 662 8,139 0
38264 6,385 662 7,047 0
47702 5,152 613 5,765 0
51298 5,111 646 5,757 0
49526 4,576 573 5,149 0
38574 4,128 633 4,761 0
57850 4,113 616 4,729 0
58522 4,037 628 4,665 0
51244 3,927 634 4,561 0
37756 3,905 601 4,506 0
45654 3,830 628 4,458 0
50356 3,855 602 4,457 0
52830 3,710 554 4,264 0
54940 3,511 560 4,071 0
42394 3,511 560 4,071 0
38988 3,333 658 3,991 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 9,478,708 529,551,996 539,030,704 36

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 529,551,996 9,478,708 539,030,704