Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-06 18:25:35 UTC+0000 (1 day, 7 hrs, 56 mins, 38 secs ago)

In: 1,912,881,880
Out: 33,416,767
Total: 1,946,298,647

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 58)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
58014 999,697,045 16,957,545 1,016,654,590 0
60928 788,896,908 13,608,552 802,505,460 0
57504 35,607,649 685,377 36,293,026 0
64840 34,552,043 637,623 35,189,666 0
43862 19,725,286 437,476 20,162,762 0
34052 12,689,787 308,855 12,998,642 0
53984 6,794,939 219,266 7,014,205 0
35794 4,232,835 161,514 4,394,349 0
61754 3,037,668 116,198 3,153,866 0
40264 2,922,767 103,632 3,026,399 0
65008 1,717,262 59,778 1,777,040 0
41762 1,206,501 39,571 1,246,072 0
38348 499,902 17,773 517,675 0
49396 352,220 12,047 364,267 0
50250 215,958 7,887 223,845 0
59916 207,475 7,008 214,483 0
59324 56,402 2,316 58,718 0
51952 37,568 1,731 39,299 0
50780 36,733 1,663 38,396 0
59050 30,112 1,458 31,570 0
37326 28,808 1,475 30,283 0
38640 28,808 1,371 30,179 0
47816 27,350 1,292 28,642 0
65516 27,350 1,180 28,530 0
60208 26,016 1,325 27,341 0
41950 21,892 1,218 23,110 0
56086 18,716 1,115 19,831 0
55670 17,000 1,023 18,023 0
36110 15,241 961 16,202 0
33784 12,918 884 13,802 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 33,416,767 1,912,881,880 1,946,298,647 57

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 1,912,881,880 33,416,767 1,946,298,647