MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-20 21:05:07 UTC+0000 (26 days, 23 hrs, 13 mins, 19 secs ago)

In: 448,294,154
Out: 8,797,353
Total: 457,091,507

TCP ports on this host

(1-22 of 22)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
38494 269,457,064 4,737,501 274,194,565 0
63746 37,395,774 747,220 38,142,994 0
56572 35,073,343 709,235 35,782,578 0
40654 27,556,311 583,821 28,140,132 0
52728 25,403,684 568,802 25,972,486 0
65534 17,237,574 413,555 17,651,129 0
61090 14,279,976 361,949 14,641,925 0
65268 9,572,160 261,940 9,834,100 0
38412 8,194,979 248,566 8,443,545 0
63876 3,067,448 122,998 3,190,446 0
55552 674,617 23,774 698,391 0
55680 265,164 9,526 274,690 0
49884 43,456 1,864 45,320 0
61850 22,480 1,155 23,635 0
52130 17,489 998 18,487 0
40072 12,315 861 13,176 0
33538 6,385 678 7,063 0
41926 4,035 640 4,675 0
39966 3,775 598 4,373 0
60704 2,622 748 3,370 0
62776 1,814 466 2,280 0
38806 1,689 458 2,147 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 8,796,605 448,291,532 457,088,137 21
443 https 748 2,622 3,370 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 448,294,154 8,797,353 457,091,507