Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-30 02:44:39 UTC+0000 (8 days, 23 hrs, 48 mins, 46 secs ago)

In: 1,811,709,172
Out: 32,769,708
Total: 1,844,478,880

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 35)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
57726 1,377,122,682 23,991,920 1,401,114,602 0
64138 161,595,681 2,865,013 164,460,694 0
35238 71,076,250 1,275,124 72,351,374 0
61224 67,030,317 1,256,011 68,286,328 0
49910 30,239,594 632,205 30,871,799 0
56464 17,856,073 396,943 18,253,016 0
55130 17,297,370 408,018 17,705,388 0
56672 15,953,789 370,381 16,324,170 0
38422 15,625,337 361,265 15,986,602 0
44760 9,251,769 256,246 9,508,015 0
47910 9,132,943 263,799 9,396,742 0
47636 6,309,538 208,824 6,518,362 0
45730 5,467,671 188,836 5,656,507 0
48620 3,827,356 147,274 3,974,630 0
61310 1,949,442 71,402 2,020,844 0
58086 991,659 34,140 1,025,799 0
62512 499,902 17,721 517,623 0
37848 155,754 5,769 161,523 0
42846 85,882 3,383 89,265 0
37660 69,914 2,852 72,766 0
42776 64,491 2,699 67,190 0
53404 24,237 1,315 25,552 0
45280 23,888 1,108 24,996 0
55052 15,308 1,015 16,323 0
39090 12,260 859 13,119 0
62076 6,555 679 7,234 0
44306 5,726 621 6,347 0
44406 3,839 614 4,453 0
37296 3,792 627 4,419 0
64196 3,243 569 3,812 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 32,769,267 1,811,708,501 1,844,477,768 33
666 441 671 1,112 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 1,811,709,172 32,769,708 1,844,478,880