MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-10-30 06:12:52 UTC+0000 (313 days, 20 hrs, 17 mins, 28 secs ago)

In: 357,294,551
Out: 3,319,564
Total: 360,614,115

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 41)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
33442 4,462,890 44,461 4,507,351 0
53994 4,169,170 22,721 4,191,891 0
46676 3,877,412 23,309 3,900,721 0
43220 3,590,600 21,444 3,612,044 0
51438 3,540,202 20,617 3,560,819 0
40270 3,370,863 16,816 3,387,679 0
43770 3,338,490 17,228 3,355,718 0
54050 3,283,480 34,615 3,318,095 0
48364 3,291,266 15,730 3,306,996 0
43234 3,238,158 22,397 3,260,555 0
51656 3,231,196 11,430 3,242,626 0
34876 3,197,933 29,229 3,227,162 0
35346 3,000,625 7,381 3,008,006 0
45128 2,911,446 10,147 2,921,593 0
32956 2,683,932 17,140 2,701,072 0
47434 2,648,268 38,216 2,686,484 0
50860 2,658,722 10,337 2,669,059 0
35328 2,599,282 17,529 2,616,811 0
43748 2,593,286 18,622 2,611,908 0
44426 2,589,568 9,322 2,598,890 0
40272 2,576,079 15,916 2,591,995 0
34880 2,537,234 13,731 2,550,965 0
56808 2,472,920 27,205 2,500,125 0
34026 2,465,490 22,324 2,487,814 0
47458 2,459,598 7,019 2,466,617 0
43762 2,434,700 11,330 2,446,030 0
34044 2,377,890 44,905 2,422,795 0
51994 2,388,270 32,931 2,421,201 0
39008 2,410,844 5,658 2,416,502 0
35952 2,370,386 10,089 2,380,475 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 3,319,564 357,294,551 360,614,115 193

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 357,294,551 3,319,564 360,614,115