Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-01 19:18:11 UTC+0000 (6 days, 7 hrs, 6 mins, 15 secs ago)

In: 426,455,909
Out: 9,348,591
Total: 435,804,500

TCP ports on this host

(1-6 of 6)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
57974 252,191,299 5,558,812 257,750,111 0
54946 174,234,145 3,765,771 177,999,916 0
61396 515 1,059 1,574 0
64180 515 1,010 1,525 0
53408 540 360 900 9
30714 60 40 100 1

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-11 of 11)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 9,326,652 426,426,474 435,753,126 3
42953 40 60 100 0
59593 40 60 100 0
49407 40 60 100 0
49199 40 60 100 0
47199 40 60 100 0
59393 40 60 100 0
41649 40 60 100 0
57555 40 60 100 0
52601 40 60 100 0
49911 40 60 100 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-17 of 17)
Port Service In Out Total
53408 8,448 0 8,448
39482 3,696 0 3,696
48465 2,452 289 2,741
30714 2,640 0 2,640
4930 1,395 409 1,804
62274 1,396 134 1,530
41838 1,148 143 1,291
34803 1,135 132 1,267
43928 1,135 132 1,267
54347 1,056 0 1,056
14024 600 252 852
37151 700 143 843
29212 692 143 835
10270 327 419 746
58819 340 145 485
19337 300 126 426
46034 0 192 192

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 1,382 26,560 27,942
51413 378 900 1,278
40553 899 0 899

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 426,427,074 9,327,052 435,754,126
17 udp 27,460 2,659 30,119
1 icmp 1,375 18,880 20,255