Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-08 02:08:37 UTC+0000 (15 mins, 25 secs ago)

In: 11,987,616
Out: 516,117,107
Total: 528,104,723

TCP ports on this host

(1-13 of 13)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
32784 11,860,631 516,073,651 527,934,282 0
49687 1,143 1,403 2,546 0
52937 1,187 1,300 2,487 0
51160 1,397 1,015 2,412 0
49645 431 901 1,332 0
54359 503 815 1,318 0
50267 704 580 1,284 0
51413 840 0 840 14
55527 164 336 500 0
49129 164 336 500 0
43013 164 336 500 0
43548 40 60 100 0
52880 40 60 100 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-6 of 6)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 516,077,369 11,864,358 527,941,727 3
51413 3,304 2,130 5,434 6
60757 0 300 300 0
49679 0 300 300 0
51175 0 240 240 0
1061 120 80 200 2

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 56)
Port Service In Out Total
51413 97,812 1,000 98,812
19531 12,215 4,964 17,179
15601 6,603 2,959 9,562
15339 0 4,250 4,250
30613 340 2,625 2,965
1155 0 2,500 2,500
4685 0 2,125 2,125
1037 0 1,375 1,375
57108 951 396 1,347
7881 879 357 1,236
18589 340 875 1,215
1207 0 1,047 1,047
1239 0 875 875
1278 0 750 750
51023 0 655 655
1026 107 547 654
1033 0 625 625
1282 0 500 500
1036 0 500 500
1238 0 500 500
1062 339 125 464
28868 311 132 443
61852 311 132 443
1024 0 375 375
1157 0 375 375
1162 0 375 375
1235 0 375 375
1211 0 375 375
1038 0 375 375
1210 predict 0 375 375

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 547 98,938 99,485
51413 35,767 21,270 57,037

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 11,867,408 516,080,793 527,948,201
17 udp 120,208 36,314 156,522