MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-07 14:55:05 UTC+0000 (11 hrs, 32 mins, 47 secs ago)

In: 5,896,660
Out: 370,938,662
Total: 376,835,322

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 36)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
46754 5,429,277 370,490,815 375,920,092 0
59548 2,608 2,248 4,856 0
48684 2,612 2,211 4,823 0
38680 2,677 2,102 4,779 0
49314 2,529 2,229 4,758 0
50884 2,458 2,190 4,648 0
59982 2,455 2,174 4,629 0
42780 2,352 2,250 4,602 0
37982 2,432 2,163 4,595 0
38440 2,427 2,131 4,558 0
60154 2,438 2,117 4,555 0
59610 2,306 2,204 4,510 0
38124 2,239 2,260 4,499 0
53420 2,427 2,051 4,478 0
47056 2,392 2,083 4,475 0
44068 2,398 2,067 4,465 0
48348 2,203 2,255 4,458 0
39834 2,332 2,118 4,450 0
60998 2,219 2,221 4,440 0
37042 2,381 2,021 4,402 0
47590 2,568 1,813 4,381 0
59256 2,295 2,083 4,378 0
45852 2,485 1,885 4,370 0
35954 2,572 1,796 4,368 0
35112 2,594 1,756 4,350 0
37684 2,142 2,201 4,343 0
36356 2,381 1,957 4,338 0
52924 2,300 2,033 4,333 0
59656 2,221 2,106 4,327 0
40784 2,217 2,087 4,304 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-7 of 7)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 370,652,934 5,625,435 376,278,369 109
60577 1,594 1,926 3,520 0
45529 172 248 420 0
52529 180 120 300 3
49983 156 120 276 3
64934 156 120 276 3
32148 120 80 200 2

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 51)
Port Service In Out Total
65048 125,030 156,174 281,204
58413 26,627 32,111 58,738
32802 16,632 0 16,632
63017 11,492 4,620 16,112
63001 5,124 6,735 11,859
51819 7,482 3,432 10,914
49979 3,945 4,675 8,620
32798 8,148 0 8,148
32830 7,524 0 7,524
32791 7,128 0 7,128
32800 6,996 0 6,996
32832 5,148 0 5,148
32834 4,356 0 4,356
62398 1,380 1,947 3,327
32796 2,904 0 2,904
32831 2,640 0 2,640
6881 1,140 992 2,132
61258 846 1,224 2,070
52171 1,244 528 1,772
49768 622 286 908
48911 626 250 876
22189 311 143 454
9065 311 143 454
15350 311 143 454
9219 311 143 454
38928 311 143 454
43199 311 143 454
1100 311 143 454
1638 311 143 454
6495 311 143 454

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total
51413 200,045 177,494 377,539
49757 22,389 89,865 112,254
52529 180 0 180
49983 132 0 132
64934 132 0 132

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 5,628,049 370,655,312 376,283,361
17 udp 267,359 222,878 490,237
1 icmp 1,252 60,472 61,724