Hostname: firewall
MAC Address: b8:27:eb:9f:a4:8b

Last seen: 2024-09-08 02:30:00 UTC+0000 (1 sec ago)

In: 45,199,731,659
Out: 206,205,192,976
Total: 251,404,924,635

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 39)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 30,321,559,102 184,854,091,695 215,175,650,797 155,221
1965 gemini 230,911 66,569,561 66,800,472 9
22 ssh 679,511 13,872,784 14,552,295 21
119 nntp 41 3,682,909 3,682,950 0
70 gopher 2,741 3,113,747 3,116,488 5
1080 socks 1,274,966 866,055 2,141,021 3,496
79 finger 9,415 249,614 259,029 3
19 chargen 0 183,020 183,020 0
80 http 536 84,687 85,223 2
8888 0 63,083 63,083 0
666 4,130 50,751 54,881 6
445 microsoft-ds 6,170 27,756 33,926 7
48879 22,227 5,428 27,655 0
43193 21,919 4,281 26,200 0
42933 21,230 4,876 26,106 0
56501 20,032 4,962 24,994 0
44617 16,301 5,858 22,159 0
38875 15,934 4,697 20,631 0
43961 16,310 3,990 20,300 0
35325 15,248 4,296 19,544 0
34829 15,283 4,141 19,424 0
57169 15,248 3,296 18,544 0
43777 15,505 2,925 18,430 0
42295 14,470 3,735 18,205 0
548 afpovertcp 8,454 9,112 17,566 10
45981 12,903 2,612 15,515 0
51913 13,084 1,504 14,588 0
51207 10,251 3,965 14,216 0
42785 12,484 864 13,348 0
45347 1,434 1,268 2,702 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 50)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
4654 5,096,228,069 524,462,540 5,620,690,609 0
49999 125,576,397 5,192,025,535 5,317,601,932 0
57234 3,588,264,939 778,917,097 4,367,182,036 0
41805 56,669,421 2,941,666,525 2,998,335,946 0
60485 2,671,771,411 56,033,503 2,727,804,914 0
61935 2,499,049,432 41,715,348 2,540,764,780 0
62542 2,442,287,388 75,768,827 2,518,056,215 0
59678 2,462,418,628 42,606,149 2,505,024,777 0
60723 2,138,014,132 44,333,243 2,182,347,375 0
64623 31,532,368 1,730,085,101 1,761,617,469 0
60225 1,732,311,483 29,181,092 1,761,492,575 0
65115 1,729,055,009 19,191,876 1,748,246,885 0
60110 1,581,295,643 20,613,024 1,601,908,667 0
40184 25,164,577 1,453,880,346 1,479,044,923 0
6379 redis 1,392,936,943 9,716,531 1,402,653,474 0
20021 1,314,456,000 22,101,711 1,336,557,711 0
44713 1,317,132,677 14,359,579 1,331,492,256 0
59260 1,234,737,902 22,117,045 1,256,854,947 0
63083 1,237,182,406 19,422,527 1,256,604,933 0
56561 1,216,322,104 22,306,812 1,238,628,916 0
51357 1,200,810,638 28,900,059 1,229,710,697 0
49437 1,099,750,046 8,009,019 1,107,759,065 0
7788 1,051,078,015 19,325,036 1,070,403,051 0
49497 1,027,127,712 20,094,576 1,047,222,288 0
55945 970,791,829 10,401,792 981,193,621 0
42713 962,564,006 15,674,271 978,238,277 0
23841 964,169,438 7,492,852 971,662,290 0
52545 12,699,933 914,551,964 927,251,897 0
57301 903,634,868 17,282,932 920,917,800 0
16140 896,993,264 12,692,493 909,685,757 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 56)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 14,708,381,004 21,113,821,523 35,822,202,527
6771 0 26,358,457 26,358,457
138 netbios-dgm 11,778 12,602,390 12,614,168
5353 mdns 0 9,048,481 9,048,481
123 ntp 1,718,284 1,732,828 3,451,112
1900 434,523 13,924 448,447
137 netbios-ns 1,362 343,736 345,098
51413 187,001 0 187,001
68 bootpc 0 135,856 135,856
0 0 84,108 84,108
2054 34,552 608 35,160
37659 33,492 1,536 35,028
51139 33,492 1,500 34,992
43322 33,492 1,336 34,828
38879 33,492 1,332 34,824
34838 33,492 1,272 34,764
60871 33,492 1,204 34,696
53394 33,492 1,196 34,688
42279 33,492 1,128 34,620
54525 33,492 1,044 34,536
45198 33,492 892 34,384
36994 33,492 512 34,004
37082 33,492 512 34,004
40510 32,619 1,004 33,623
53 domain 0 33,528 33,528
65535 0 30,324 30,324
21845 0 27,580 27,580
43690 0 21,836 21,836
44005 10,240 748 10,988
49884 8,082 1,148 9,230

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 60)
Port Service In Out Total
51413 2,361,383,702 2,349,191,752 4,710,575,454
13012 12,020,699 1,682,675,233 1,694,695,932
6881 561,891,719 471,532,048 1,033,423,767
45623 6,458,859 454,707,524 461,166,383
43729 24,305,292 414,945,839 439,251,131
11098 4,719,224 375,480,012 380,199,236
51873 330,448,243 5,413,670 335,861,913
57111 3,713,098 326,340,768 330,053,866
64110 2,811,481 269,030,808 271,842,289
48136 218,312,801 4,682,619 222,995,420
45954 6,367,452 200,205,771 206,573,223
41963 196,448,730 6,725,679 203,174,409
56515 195,425,246 4,711,031 200,136,277
55674 3,793,401 170,206,463 173,999,864
8099 168,520,605 4,015,952 172,536,557
49290 160,658,955 3,892,143 164,551,098
52491 149,871,911 2,238,697 152,110,608
63616 131,011,411 3,101,452 134,112,863
22047 8,463,367 124,872,772 133,336,139
59148 112,396,868 3,610,465 116,007,333
47717 105,154,256 2,678,607 107,832,863
46242 1,655,377 94,901,797 96,557,174
26856 92,394,663 2,768,560 95,163,223
64502 2,385,934 91,872,372 94,258,306
52372 1,947,429 83,290,918 85,238,347
45298 1,443,362 81,675,520 83,118,882
13249 1,503,712 77,878,506 79,382,218
59880 76,467,597 1,385,279 77,852,876
1025 12,123,378 61,582,726 73,706,104
23589 68,864,634 1,936,094 70,800,728

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 30,365,409,791 184,968,383,509 215,333,793,300
17 udp 14,712,074,467 21,223,181,477 35,935,255,944
1 icmp 122,247,401 13,627,288 135,874,689