Hostname: ups
MAC Address: 74:df:bf:41:b2:fd

Last seen: 2024-09-07 12:10:47 UTC+0000 (14 hrs, 13 mins, 53 secs ago)

In: 6,646,201,174
Out: 132,880,752,487
Total: 139,526,953,661

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 33)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
54891 35,850,304 2,811,131,292 2,846,981,596 1
65268 34,556,368 2,752,099,279 2,786,655,647 0
64087 30,568,955 2,331,454,940 2,362,023,895 1
65200 29,626,048 2,267,120,801 2,296,746,849 0
50078 29,251,261 2,207,297,692 2,236,548,953 1
54595 23,712,396 1,909,609,161 1,933,321,557 0
63733 24,043,444 1,837,776,763 1,861,820,207 0
55931 21,528,640 1,831,505,148 1,853,033,788 0
60331 23,718,072 1,827,700,355 1,851,418,427 0
55930 21,329,596 1,785,611,851 1,806,941,447 0
52962 22,801,693 1,729,570,146 1,752,371,839 0
50893 21,632,080 1,729,519,972 1,751,152,052 1
50379 21,463,092 1,729,601,356 1,751,064,448 1
63200 22,485,120 1,701,553,871 1,724,038,991 0
63405 22,102,106 1,688,480,983 1,710,583,089 0
63732 21,608,056 1,637,836,923 1,659,444,979 0
59963 20,494,932 1,623,779,539 1,644,274,471 1
52798 18,676,968 1,528,886,926 1,547,563,894 1
63191 19,582,968 1,474,800,002 1,494,382,970 0
63051 18,922,936 1,437,012,071 1,455,935,007 0
52216 18,916,105 1,434,591,840 1,453,507,945 0
50123 17,816,868 1,434,354,729 1,452,171,597 1
63478 18,688,148 1,430,718,759 1,449,406,907 0
63616 18,259,312 1,410,013,786 1,428,273,098 0
60905 17,687,644 1,369,624,163 1,387,311,807 0
63052 18,125,580 1,364,116,174 1,382,241,754 0
62024 17,253,256 1,347,336,395 1,364,589,651 0
52286 15,776,652 1,338,214,217 1,353,990,869 0
62025 16,969,340 1,328,169,438 1,345,138,778 0
55313 17,551,352 1,319,821,216 1,337,372,568 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 46)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
20 ftp-data 32,380,076,737 413,397,838 32,793,474,575 0
57857 2,752,099,279 34,556,368 2,786,655,647 1
32609 2,327,608,994 29,832,048 2,357,441,042 1
44226 2,324,478,605 29,835,840 2,354,314,445 1
39846 2,267,120,801 29,626,048 2,296,746,849 1
33540 1,909,609,161 23,712,396 1,933,321,557 1
48058 1,837,776,763 24,043,444 1,861,820,207 1
44649 1,831,504,529 21,526,052 1,853,030,581 1
19923 1,827,700,355 23,718,072 1,851,418,427 1
22141 1,785,611,851 21,329,596 1,806,941,447 1
54685 1,729,569,527 22,798,980 1,752,368,507 1
23525 1,701,553,871 22,485,120 1,724,038,991 1
19119 1,688,480,364 22,099,664 1,710,580,028 1
29572 1,637,836,923 21,608,056 1,659,444,979 1
63609 1,474,800,002 19,582,968 1,494,382,970 1
56757 1,437,012,071 18,922,936 1,455,935,007 1
60286 1,434,591,221 18,913,588 1,453,504,809 1
21810 1,430,718,759 18,688,148 1,449,406,907 1
51075 1,410,013,786 18,259,312 1,428,273,098 1
39612 1,369,624,163 17,687,644 1,387,311,807 1
36811 1,364,116,174 18,125,580 1,382,241,754 1
42604 1,347,336,395 17,253,256 1,364,589,651 1
15276 1,338,214,217 15,776,652 1,353,990,869 1
63715 1,328,169,438 16,969,340 1,345,138,778 1
24646 1,314,315,651 16,969,896 1,331,285,547 1
62304 1,282,937,425 16,783,580 1,299,721,005 1
32834 1,253,103,771 16,413,004 1,269,516,775 1
7136 1,012,690,182 13,381,272 1,026,071,454 1
40098 963,322,189 11,999,508 975,321,697 1
9682 921,071,140 12,130,376 933,201,516 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 45)
Port Service In Out Total
6771 0 10,322,184 10,322,184
138 netbios-dgm 163,710 723,776 887,486
5353 mdns 0 638,058 638,058
137 netbios-ns 27,000 587,148 614,148
58782 3,479 30,949 34,428
64525 3,254 27,147 30,401
58399 4,369 25,523 29,892
50062 4,047 23,136 27,183
63136 4,402 18,701 23,103
60510 5,411 15,203 20,614
53836 3,678 15,282 18,960
65001 5,035 13,058 18,093
64890 3,802 14,114 17,916
65108 3,065 13,990 17,055
59028 4,091 12,398 16,489
57081 6,199 8,595 14,794
59184 4,887 8,665 13,552
49368 3,786 9,378 13,164
52633 5,519 7,325 12,844
56174 4,363 8,409 12,772
53597 4,412 8,312 12,724
61076 3,952 8,505 12,457
63502 3,936 8,330 12,266
57002 4,502 6,470 10,972
63462 3,564 7,328 10,892
50173 4,395 6,295 10,690
51080 3,411 6,171 9,582
52995 3,287 5,284 8,571
59453 3,302 5,162 8,464
50795 2,649 4,246 6,895

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-10 of 10)
Port Service In Out Total
53 domain 34,756,125 71,721,552 106,477,677
1900 28,383,260 0 28,383,260
6771 10,322,184 0 10,322,184
2054 1,217,048 0 1,217,048
138 netbios-dgm 760,016 163,710 923,726
5353 mdns 638,058 0 638,058
137 netbios-ns 587,850 27,000 614,850
6646 127,508 0 127,508
5355 106,177 0 106,177
123 ntp 2,964 2,964 5,928

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 3,449,928,484 129,682,423,693 133,132,352,177
1 icmp 3,124,357,464 3,121,427,604 6,245,785,068
17 udp 71,915,226 76,901,190 148,816,416