Hostname: guest4
MAC Address: 00:7f:72:3e:f8:50

Last seen: 2024-09-08 02:32:10 UTC+0000 (1 sec ago)

In: 9,280,023,101
Out: 7,948,329,696
Total: 17,228,352,797

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 45)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
45298 3,192,368 192,179,979 195,372,347 0
33200 157,707,580 1,972,047 159,679,627 0
33474 2,392,376 145,675,224 148,067,600 1
38272 137,475,789 1,802,488 139,278,277 1
36122 1,931,034 128,874,414 130,805,448 0
36596 53,648,230 977,880 54,626,110 1
37176 49,273,970 654,268 49,928,238 0
42130 47,079,952 521,180 47,601,132 1
42128 46,964,840 473,569 47,438,409 1
42132 45,955,357 567,524 46,522,881 1
42134 45,276,484 382,678 45,659,162 1
42136 45,237,875 321,085 45,558,960 1
42138 44,036,157 305,221 44,341,378 1
36706 35,187,920 700,988 35,888,908 1
36666 35,183,184 653,364 35,836,548 1
36628 17,678,628 356,032 18,034,660 1
36618 17,408,567 310,424 17,718,991 1
36638 17,401,196 292,780 17,693,976 1
36610 15,886,180 295,684 16,181,864 1
39822 14,448,673 166,485 14,615,158 1
37262 13,737,112 226,868 13,963,980 0
59328 12,965,031 204,333 13,169,364 1
47182 11,849,624 264,231 12,113,855 0
56920 8,512,560 98,496 8,611,056 0
43338 8,403,034 114,556 8,517,590 0
53526 8,381,826 134,460 8,516,286 1
52720 8,404,560 56,848 8,461,408 0
52324 6,941,471 102,396 7,043,867 1
40562 6,599,380 74,368 6,673,748 0
40648 6,139,820 42,952 6,182,772 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 31)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 2,817,231 287,006,554 289,823,785 57
2049 nfs 3,625,192 194,450,326 198,075,518 11
33003 192,179,979 3,192,368 195,372,347 1
548 afpovertcp 1,995,673 157,797,168 159,792,841 24
50138 145,675,304 2,392,496 148,067,800 1
57113 1,801,660 137,457,291 139,258,951 1
57765 128,874,198 1,930,372 130,804,570 1
30131 654,156 49,273,910 49,928,066 0
1965 gemini 375,724 27,528,210 27,903,934 5
22 ssh 874,893 14,506,504 15,381,397 40
6187 226,868 13,737,112 13,963,980 1
15977 98,496 8,512,560 8,611,056 1
19383 134,532 8,396,826 8,531,358 1
30887 114,556 8,403,034 8,517,590 1
34346 56,848 8,404,560 8,461,408 1
38692 50,276 7,584,216 7,634,492 1
47580 78,068 7,402,096 7,480,164 1
55358 102,676 6,941,891 7,044,567 1
63303 74,368 6,599,380 6,673,748 1
20310 42,952 6,139,820 6,182,772 1
56911 5,191,093 106,004 5,297,097 1
15369 80,916 5,038,980 5,119,896 2
48056 74,888 4,873,432 4,948,320 1
50440 60,732 4,783,959 4,844,691 1
45634 60,376 4,326,628 4,387,004 1
50235 44,752 4,324,972 4,369,724 1
64228 13,020 4,324,920 4,337,940 1
65324 34,396 3,916,302 3,950,698 1
12901 24,972 3,911,742 3,936,714 0
42363 45,508 3,885,698 3,931,206 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 59)
Port Service In Out Total
5353 mdns 0 5,499,003 5,499,003
35190 692,584 266,499 959,083
47406 541,185 88,920 630,105
59647 418,411 170,196 588,607
55818 401,157 161,304 562,461
45890 374,146 152,100 526,246
55179 371,715 151,008 522,723
57606 338,081 137,436 475,517
35901 333,795 135,693 469,488
52918 314,722 128,127 442,849
47136 312,353 126,906 439,259
47668 297,335 119,340 416,675
46135 290,369 118,092 408,461
54541 284,742 115,518 400,260
34762 280,289 114,114 394,403
33810 274,696 111,540 386,236
48537 269,760 109,980 379,740
38124 250,877 100,437 351,314
37748 237,792 96,720 334,512
44833 232,577 94,587 327,164
50121 226,306 91,884 318,190
37685 224,129 91,155 315,284
42678 192,449 78,156 270,605
53750 185,698 77,193 262,891
56882 166,241 67,626 233,867
49456 164,225 66,768 230,993
50798 163,422 65,598 229,020
46062 156,418 63,570 219,988
43962 155,594 62,946 218,540
41137 147,013 59,748 206,761

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-8 of 8)
Port Service In Out Total
137 netbios-ns 4,332,978 11,052,395 15,385,373
5353 mdns 5,500,679 4,228 5,504,907
1900 1,435,395 0 1,435,395
3702 505,869 0 505,869
53 domain 25,346 52,161 77,507
10001 768 0 768
6771 492 0 492
55345 58 0 58

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
1 icmp 8,143,949,286 7,444,221,298 15,588,170,584
6 tcp 1,124,965,031 492,306,813 1,617,271,844
17 udp 11,108,784 11,801,585 22,910,369