Hostname: celina
MAC Address: f0:d0:8c:9d:0b:8a

Last seen: 2024-07-09 02:52:31 UTC+0000 (60 days, 23 hrs, 46 mins, 55 secs ago)

In: 242,875,243
Out: 12,604,300,630
Total: 12,847,175,873

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 54)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
38110 31,842,120 1,903,991,043 1,935,833,163 0
44606 31,864,248 1,902,217,400 1,934,081,648 0
47622 31,517,192 1,902,377,436 1,933,894,628 0
45406 31,753,620 1,900,244,060 1,931,997,680 0
49234 31,639,700 1,891,201,750 1,922,841,450 0
37380 30,043,540 1,808,316,851 1,838,360,391 0
47922 3,802,872 223,762,332 227,565,204 0
39518 3,597,004 223,096,820 226,693,824 0
41858 3,612,960 222,964,402 226,577,362 0
48534 3,671,632 221,786,139 225,457,771 0
48438 3,451,776 213,177,363 216,629,139 0
45454 3,019,656 185,483,020 188,502,676 0
48578 1,678,380 18,988 1,697,368 0
38034 1,624,188 14,100 1,638,288 0
49958 1,612,972 13,684 1,626,656 0
42494 1,597,356 16,828 1,614,184 0
46772 1,567,560 15,068 1,582,628 0
38056 1,552,188 13,944 1,566,132 0
45584 1,245,120 24,552 1,269,672 0
42502 995,436 17,060 1,012,496 0
49110 994,560 13,264 1,007,824 0
42862 916,560 14,272 930,832 0
46718 865,276 8,848 874,124 0
40446 853,224 8,796 862,020 0
44986 849,524 8,588 858,112 0
49516 553,612 9,232 562,844 0
44712 457,612 9,316 466,928 0
48950 448,560 9,020 457,580 0
45458 393,060 10,412 403,472 0
44138 390,112 9,112 399,224 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 43)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
51452 1,903,991,043 31,842,120 1,935,833,163 1
45940 1,902,217,400 31,864,248 1,934,081,648 1
17224 1,902,377,436 31,517,192 1,933,894,628 1
56811 1,900,244,060 31,753,620 1,931,997,680 1
27232 1,891,201,750 31,639,700 1,922,841,450 1
43980 1,808,316,851 30,043,540 1,838,360,391 1
15068 223,762,332 3,802,872 227,565,204 1
34992 223,096,820 3,597,004 226,693,824 1
50373 222,964,402 3,612,960 226,577,362 1
40523 221,786,139 3,671,632 225,457,771 1
58266 213,177,363 3,451,776 216,629,139 1
60055 185,483,020 3,019,656 188,502,676 0
5639 18,988 1,678,380 1,697,368 1
37029 14,100 1,624,188 1,638,288 1
37038 13,684 1,612,972 1,626,656 1
41971 16,828 1,597,356 1,614,184 1
6060 15,068 1,567,560 1,582,628 1
8777 13,944 1,552,188 1,566,132 1
45410 17,060 995,436 1,012,496 1
48513 13,264 994,560 1,007,824 1
46840 15,536 967,560 983,096 1
25637 14,272 916,560 930,832 1
8611 8,848 865,276 874,124 1
15541 8,796 853,224 862,020 1
30412 8,588 849,524 858,112 1
50592 9,232 553,612 562,844 1
27985 9,316 457,612 466,928 1
21346 9,020 448,560 457,580 1
63671 10,412 393,060 403,472 1
39224 9,112 390,112 399,224 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-9 of 9)
Port Service In Out Total
46558 924,423 314,184 1,238,607
5353 mdns 0 643,493 643,493
44517 329,452 81,432 410,884
39380 208,840 84,708 293,548
38423 154,498 62,790 217,288
37789 898 312 1,210
42381 0 153 153
47054 0 153 153
2054 56 0 56

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-4 of 4)
Port Service In Out Total
137 netbios-ns 543,426 1,618,111 2,161,537
5353 mdns 643,493 0 643,493
1900 306 0 306
58138 0 56 56

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 237,427,516 12,599,307,197 12,836,734,713
1 icmp 3,829,560 3,806,208 7,635,768
17 udp 1,618,167 1,187,225 2,805,392