MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-07-22 04:40:41 UTC+0000 (47 days, 21 hrs, 39 mins, 54 secs ago)

In: 274,614,795
Out: 6,873,370
Total: 281,488,165

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 50)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
33702 2,377,712 65,160 2,442,872 0
59546 2,320,135 74,177 2,394,312 0
43514 2,294,496 59,233 2,353,729 0
38630 2,291,524 60,350 2,351,874 0
52012 2,285,580 57,361 2,342,941 0
45522 2,208,308 65,888 2,274,196 0
48234 2,132,574 44,089 2,176,663 0
43692 2,074,568 58,702 2,133,270 0
51366 2,077,540 50,427 2,127,967 0
47074 1,972,034 55,513 2,027,547 0
40876 1,964,604 52,868 2,017,472 0
38182 1,967,576 46,544 2,014,120 0
49502 1,890,304 49,551 1,939,855 0
39658 1,796,686 48,983 1,845,669 0
38922 1,763,994 56,825 1,820,819 0
53730 1,767,018 51,402 1,818,420 0
45732 1,734,274 54,697 1,788,971 0
53292 1,667,404 51,101 1,718,505 0
50544 1,658,488 48,535 1,707,023 0
36962 1,655,516 50,398 1,705,914 0
39472 1,648,086 49,860 1,697,946 0
52672 1,640,656 47,240 1,687,896 0
58766 1,628,768 50,587 1,679,355 0
51226 1,627,282 46,201 1,673,483 0
41650 1,616,880 42,072 1,658,952 0
46900 1,600,534 45,258 1,645,792 0
33108 1,594,590 46,483 1,641,073 0
35088 1,607,964 30,292 1,638,256 0
54510 1,563,436 43,015 1,606,451 0
49848 1,550,010 47,237 1,597,247 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 6,873,370 274,614,795 281,488,165 200

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 274,614,795 6,873,370 281,488,165