MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-17 00:22:38 UTC+0000 (22 days, 1 hr, 58 mins, 26 secs ago)

In: 336,880,512
Out: 7,522,808
Total: 344,403,320

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 57)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
38926 3,881,996 87,685 3,969,681 0
53014 3,553,785 46,651 3,600,436 0
54678 3,214,180 70,145 3,284,325 0
37984 3,053,038 58,400 3,111,438 0
35732 3,058,139 52,301 3,110,440 0
53894 3,043,048 47,682 3,090,730 0
44826 3,008,793 51,904 3,060,697 0
33022 2,940,906 56,662 2,997,568 0
47542 2,932,992 50,141 2,983,133 0
37662 2,884,906 77,356 2,962,262 0
46452 2,865,276 59,975 2,925,251 0
57960 2,846,432 37,439 2,883,871 0
43482 2,759,614 49,414 2,809,028 0
53236 2,738,139 55,392 2,793,531 0
56416 2,637,850 46,534 2,684,384 0
37166 2,612,500 47,616 2,660,116 0
36924 2,560,750 76,194 2,636,944 0
59684 2,570,944 40,941 2,611,885 0
41202 2,508,480 79,892 2,588,372 0
48560 2,513,396 63,603 2,576,999 0
33264 2,499,448 66,270 2,565,718 0
50098 2,495,106 54,289 2,549,395 0
38992 2,390,036 61,791 2,451,827 0
59894 2,403,910 41,394 2,445,304 0
42280 2,370,386 55,474 2,425,860 0
54556 2,380,736 44,386 2,425,122 0
34904 2,350,964 51,766 2,402,730 0
55780 2,370,438 30,816 2,401,254 0
46808 2,343,638 52,036 2,395,674 0
46456 2,361,366 30,994 2,392,360 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 7,484,549 335,524,522 343,009,071 198
443 https 33,570 1,351,345 1,384,915 2
666 4,689 4,645 9,334 7

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 336,880,512 7,522,808 344,403,320