MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-31 08:22:52 UTC+0000 (7 days, 18 hrs, 11 mins, 20 secs ago)

In: 517,892,093
Out: 5,822,171
Total: 523,714,264

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 48)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
45006 399,992,960 3,766,651 403,759,611 0
58980 15,229,423 166,365 15,395,788 0
45832 12,407,503 145,734 12,553,237 0
38440 10,322,620 59,036 10,381,656 0
59506 9,031,151 132,580 9,163,731 0
63382 6,618,119 80,355 6,698,474 0
55034 4,685,359 75,356 4,760,715 0
55044 4,305,378 60,655 4,366,033 0
41444 4,128,412 71,301 4,199,713 0
55068 3,513,971 42,647 3,556,618 0
63378 3,098,473 42,623 3,141,096 0
63381 3,036,440 41,415 3,077,855 0
63379 2,970,524 60,271 3,030,795 0
63380 2,788,158 30,651 2,818,809 0
55061 2,693,547 55,943 2,749,490 0
55059 2,388,783 29,711 2,418,494 0
55050 2,318,611 30,371 2,348,982 0
55066 2,299,776 32,887 2,332,663 0
55049 2,280,412 34,579 2,314,991 0
55065 2,235,520 34,295 2,269,815 0
55063 2,117,054 31,711 2,148,765 0
55060 2,013,397 33,951 2,047,348 0
55170 1,831,883 44,659 1,876,542 0
54960 1,832,356 37,021 1,869,377 0
55048 1,774,021 39,183 1,813,204 0
39864 1,769,237 26,444 1,795,681 0
38374 1,708,572 31,936 1,740,508 0
64868 1,663,700 16,375 1,680,075 0
55042 1,521,794 14,891 1,536,685 0
34874 662,768 74,847 737,615 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-10 of 10)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 3,933,274 400,870,624 404,803,898 4
443 https 929,043 50,181,486 51,110,529 169
1965 gemini 724,975 48,789,900 49,514,875 40
70 gopher 176,540 15,301,849 15,478,389 14
80 http 32,863 2,226,987 2,259,850 13
79 finger 21,401 399,318 420,719 28
32820 1,052 108,858 109,910 1
21 ftp 1,743 3,023 4,766 2
47787 212 3,826 4,038 1
31429 172 3,786 3,958 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
63730 0 896 896

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
50572 896 0 896

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 517,889,657 5,821,275 523,710,932
1 icmp 2,436 0 2,436
17 udp 0 896 896