Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-06 12:47:59 UTC+0000 (32 days, 13 hrs, 38 mins, 19 secs ago)

In: 14,917,218,567
Out: 245,909,487
Total: 15,163,128,054

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 37)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
57654 2,226,234,629 34,570,432 2,260,805,061 0
57114 1,496,302,754 25,201,600 1,521,504,354 0
48352 1,409,935,106 24,217,887 1,434,152,993 0
50122 1,068,886,784 13,236,020 1,082,122,804 0
49134 944,176,833 12,245,968 956,422,801 0
35518 821,575,266 12,856,356 834,431,622 0
51368 772,733,202 9,596,164 782,329,366 0
43924 633,552,288 10,444,572 643,996,860 0
35036 622,494,464 8,230,224 630,724,688 0
51604 299,747,984 4,692,156 304,440,140 0
45802 242,485,802 4,231,668 246,717,470 0
42958 241,482,578 3,332,220 244,814,798 0
37128 240,896,184 3,344,088 244,240,272 0
42384 240,939,494 3,073,592 244,013,086 0
35372 241,003,652 2,981,924 243,985,576 0
54956 240,723,488 3,251,472 243,974,960 0
48360 240,850,392 3,036,292 243,886,684 0
51094 240,718,442 3,164,240 243,882,682 0
44300 240,704,766 3,109,836 243,814,602 0
55274 240,693,932 2,977,372 243,671,304 0
38154 209,874,125 3,637,528 213,511,653 0
48020 208,305,784 3,408,660 211,714,444 0
35988 206,976,927 3,833,316 210,810,243 0
46522 206,087,604 3,729,760 209,817,364 0
47186 206,695,371 2,711,392 209,406,763 0
42264 204,535,563 3,440,900 207,976,463 0
36140 135,589,446 1,905,032 137,494,478 0
42534 81,960,477 1,525,740 83,486,217 0
59746 22,962,632 349,400 23,312,032 0
58910 22,113,796 320,804 22,434,600 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 42)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
39473 34,570,432 2,226,234,629 2,260,805,061 2
56744 25,200,576 1,496,276,894 1,521,477,470 1
22 ssh 24,223,134 1,409,940,446 1,434,163,580 2
50893 13,236,020 1,068,886,784 1,082,122,804 1
44290 12,245,968 944,176,833 956,422,801 1
9900 12,856,356 821,575,266 834,431,622 1
6508 9,360,908 756,407,256 765,768,164 0
20894 10,444,572 633,552,288 643,996,860 1
41311 8,230,224 622,494,464 630,724,688 1
55197 4,692,156 299,747,984 304,440,140 1
35686 4,231,668 242,485,802 246,717,470 1
10783 3,332,220 241,482,578 244,814,798 1
23822 3,344,088 240,896,184 244,240,272 1
48066 3,073,592 240,939,494 244,013,086 1
63104 2,981,924 241,003,652 243,985,576 1
18214 3,251,472 240,723,488 243,974,960 1
36291 3,036,292 240,850,392 243,886,684 1
48700 3,164,240 240,718,442 243,882,682 1
33155 3,109,836 240,704,766 243,814,602 1
42578 2,977,372 240,693,932 243,671,304 1
57062 3,637,528 209,874,125 213,511,653 1
64657 3,408,660 208,305,784 211,714,444 1
58944 3,833,316 206,976,927 210,810,243 1
56548 3,729,760 206,087,604 209,817,364 1
24384 2,711,392 206,695,371 209,406,763 1
47473 3,440,900 204,535,563 207,976,463 1
63098 1,904,156 135,568,746 137,472,902 1
48701 1,525,740 81,960,477 83,486,217 1
51933 440,444 23,287,098 23,727,542 1
18621 349,400 22,962,632 23,312,032 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 14,917,218,567 245,907,437 15,163,126,004
1 icmp 0 2,050 2,050