Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-07-15 16:15:44 UTC+0000 (54 days, 10 hrs, 16 mins, 51 secs ago)

In: 16,764,029
Out: 1,257,708,396
Total: 1,274,472,425

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 41)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
61538 6,714,464 470,882,362 477,596,826 0
58783 4,460,799 299,396,844 303,857,643 0
46753 20,040 0 20,040 334
59577 1,516 1,600 3,116 0
60156 1,431 1,578 3,009 0
60789 1,206 1,747 2,953 0
62548 1,572 1,280 2,852 0
58993 1,356 1,395 2,751 0
57845 992 1,533 2,525 0
49546 1,181 1,124 2,305 0
51048 853 1,407 2,260 0
61349 1,442 755 2,197 0
53224 864 1,272 2,136 0
63425 1,122 990 2,112 0
61928 783 928 1,711 0
63383 516 1,188 1,704 0
59626 476 1,224 1,700 0
57818 733 830 1,563 0
54214 384 1,097 1,481 0
60223 372 978 1,350 0
56639 344 996 1,340 0
63321 384 919 1,303 0
59604 384 916 1,300 0
65509 212 820 1,032 0
61658 212 819 1,031 0
59862 212 819 1,031 0
57118 212 819 1,031 0
53386 212 817 1,029 0
57014 212 817 1,029 0
54092 212 813 1,025 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 51)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 772,507,119 12,239,696 784,746,815 5,689
1 tcpmux 32,082 12,476 44,558 73
40952 13,208 10,160 23,368 254
1461 6,448 4,960 11,408 124
1476 3,120 2,400 5,520 60
1477 2,860 2,200 5,060 55
1517 728 560 1,288 14
1518 520 400 920 10
1552 260 200 460 5
36555 0 300 300 0
40267 0 300 300 0
52009 0 300 300 0
50311 0 300 300 0
33749 0 300 300 0
38451 0 300 300 0
55279 0 300 300 0
58377 0 300 300 0
33605 0 300 300 0
57473 0 300 300 0
48897 0 300 300 0
39425 0 300 300 0
58881 0 300 300 0
47455 0 300 300 0
39135 0 300 300 0
42685 0 300 300 0
50203 0 300 300 0
35927 0 300 300 0
45331 0 300 300 0
52431 0 300 300 0
38701 0 300 300 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-4 of 4)
Port Service In Out Total
46753 4,423,219 485,139,865 489,563,084
1476 4,308 1,922 6,230
1 5,016 0 5,016
1477 674 264 938

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-10 of 10)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 485,111,823 4,433,217 489,545,040
40952 12,276 0 12,276
1518 4,620 0 4,620
1476 4,356 0 4,356
1552 3,036 0 3,036
1 1,980 0 1,980
1516 1,452 0 1,452
1553 1,188 0 1,188
46550 792 0 792
1461 528 0 528

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 12,294,172 772,566,345 784,860,517
17 udp 4,433,217 485,142,051 489,575,268
1 icmp 36,640 0 36,640