MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-09-01 02:54:26 UTC+0000 (6 days, 23 hrs, 25 mins, 15 secs ago)

In: 328,260,553
Out: 5,302,348
Total: 333,562,901

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 37)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
37249 54,951,292 862,339 55,813,631 0
37192 54,493,852 822,135 55,315,987 0
27018 54,378,252 792,771 55,171,023 0
26521 54,301,292 777,090 55,078,382 0
36869 19,192,101 360,540 19,552,641 0
30152 19,207,701 344,456 19,552,157 0
26050 18,719,101 294,583 19,013,684 0
36545 10,193,980 156,795 10,350,775 0
15952 7,393,280 126,784 7,520,064 0
23172 7,384,360 108,424 7,492,784 0
42050 6,181,077 150,372 6,331,449 0
36617 4,673,757 118,386 4,792,143 0
19973 4,374,021 86,123 4,460,144 0
15893 3,546,932 93,159 3,640,091 0
15881 3,290,832 83,971 3,374,803 0
26309 2,768,352 63,883 2,832,235 0
28167 1,099,704 15,342 1,115,046 0
27016 674,895 10,148 685,043 0
26634 309,468 4,628 314,096 0
36234 223,230 4,096 227,326 0
34312 210,679 3,934 214,613 0
14985 160,508 3,224 163,732 0
15630 160,153 3,202 163,355 0
15629 127,706 2,387 130,093 0
36487 127,706 2,295 130,001 0
35596 59,494 2,421 61,915 0
19272 36,837 1,619 38,456 0
34693 8,209 1,201 9,410 0
10759 3,739 1,264 5,003 0
29252 3,738 1,235 4,973 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-3 of 3)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
80 http 4,788,337 297,369,125 302,157,462 16
443 https 510,470 30,887,123 31,397,593 14
666 3,541 4,305 7,846 7

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 328,260,553 5,302,348 333,562,901