Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-10 21:12:23 UTC+0000 (28 days, 5 hrs, 11 mins, 45 secs ago)

In: 17,142,784
Out: 1,016,536,993
Total: 1,033,679,777

TCP ports on this host

(1-7 of 7)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
32519 15,598,133 1,015,582,169 1,031,180,302 1
9621 40 52 92 0
49877 40 52 92 0
50269 40 52 92 0
34647 40 52 92 0
55587 40 52 92 0
17701 40 52 92 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-6 of 6)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
60371 1,015,582,169 15,598,133 1,031,180,302 0
35545 104 80 184 2
34685 52 40 92 1
53591 52 40 92 1
2436 52 40 92 1
36870 52 40 92 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-30 of 52)
Port Service In Out Total
64582 308,429 193,488 501,917
32519 23,011 11,418 34,429
35545 13,143 6,461 19,604
1900 10,394 5,052 15,446
1455 3,450 4,852 8,302
58684 2,652 3,808 6,460
11562 2,874 1,463 4,337
39751 987 935 1,922
62220 1,014 792 1,806
57138 1,014 792 1,806
55646 676 792 1,468
2685 674 792 1,466
27498 724 715 1,439
27216 772 638 1,410
11885 816 427 1,243
12429 862 370 1,232
21498 676 528 1,204
53136 676 528 1,204
19010 636 558 1,194
56314 715 462 1,177
25763 697 462 1,159
53985 697 462 1,159
57790 671 462 1,133
2502 644 319 963
2276 644 319 963
39158 644 319 963
48969 461 495 956
64168 622 286 908
20933 622 286 908
14671 622 286 908

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-11 of 11)
Port Service In Out Total
51413 919,165 1,496,523 2,415,688
49757 21,965 35,329 57,294
48185 5,280 0 5,280
49335 2,244 0 2,244
35545 1,104 0 1,104
34685 708 0 708
53591 576 0 576
36870 528 0 528
28908 528 0 528
2436 528 0 528
1326 143 0 143

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 15,598,373 1,015,582,481 1,031,180,854
17 udp 1,531,852 952,769 2,484,621
1 icmp 12,559 1,743 14,302