MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-08-21 06:55:46 UTC+0000 (17 days, 19 hrs, 26 mins, 28 secs ago)

In: 517,487,614
Out: 15,313,823
Total: 532,801,437

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 58)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
54673 348,118,807 10,054,165 358,172,972 0
54512 168,949,712 4,905,989 173,855,701 0
17662 376,319 281,267 657,586 605
55335 1,430 1,039 2,469 0
55303 821 951 1,772 0
55260 847 897 1,744 0
55183 741 888 1,629 0
55347 698 905 1,603 0
54808 623 903 1,526 0
55237 556 954 1,510 0
55105 549 858 1,407 0
54939 526 815 1,341 0
54817 408 907 1,315 0
54940 402 904 1,306 0
55125 458 789 1,247 0
55300 200 260 460 0
55305 200 260 460 0
55309 200 260 460 0
55194 200 260 460 0
55301 200 260 460 0
55361 200 260 460 0
55246 200 260 460 0
55259 200 260 460 0
55306 200 260 460 0
55204 200 260 460 0
55251 200 260 460 0
55379 200 260 460 0
55256 200 260 460 0
55141 200 260 460 0
55363 200 260 460 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 50)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
49757 14,971,056 517,076,630 532,047,686 12
1621 2,704 2,080 4,784 52
1628 2,652 2,040 4,692 51
1622 2,652 2,040 4,692 51
1623 2,652 2,040 4,692 51
1627 2,600 2,000 4,600 50
1620 2,600 2,000 4,600 50
1625 2,600 2,000 4,600 50
50187 1,803 2,426 4,229 0
56959 847 1,479 2,326 0
40323 847 1,455 2,302 0
34111 855 1,435 2,290 0
44837 825 1,464 2,289 0
58383 757 1,505 2,262 0
44117 805 1,453 2,258 0
57663 848 1,398 2,246 0
44995 839 1,401 2,240 0
36769 794 1,439 2,233 0
56015 777 1,454 2,231 0
60015 799 1,427 2,226 0
41833 845 1,380 2,225 0
37217 798 1,423 2,221 0
55849 817 1,398 2,215 0
58909 755 1,444 2,199 0
41787 801 1,392 2,193 0
38709 835 1,353 2,188 0
44231 844 1,337 2,181 0
34001 845 1,336 2,181 0
53055 796 1,371 2,167 0
45687 848 1,317 2,165 0

UDP ports on this host

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total
17662 16,215 39,030 55,245
7681 1,650 630 2,280

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
49757 39,660 17,865 57,525

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 517,469,749 15,274,163 532,743,912
17 udp 17,865 39,660 57,525