Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-08 01:44:36 UTC+0000 (92 days, 0 hrs, 54 mins, 5 secs ago)

In: 57,363,019
Out: 727,959,402
Total: 785,322,421

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 53)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
64424 13,032,444 717,302,769 730,335,213 0
63295 228,022 2,813,510 3,041,532 0
64868 1,371,128 105,248 1,476,376 0
62878 1,380,110 27,782 1,407,892 0
64370 764,656 165,892 930,548 0
61644 20,754 684,353 705,107 0
62799 474,260 49,592 523,852 0
62590 224,022 73,959 297,981 0
62095 264,986 3,707 268,693 0
64393 170,808 41,102 211,910 0
64030 169,560 40,177 209,737 0
61739 168,011 3,628 171,639 0
64807 131,171 33,267 164,438 0
65476 145,395 17,852 163,247 0
62766 134,244 3,654 137,898 0
63898 89,520 14,006 103,526 0
62797 75,676 5,394 81,070 0
64467 72,796 5,218 78,014 0
61922 57,625 1,398 59,023 0
61906 56,289 894 57,183 0
61926 56,289 854 57,143 0
61915 47,594 2,885 50,479 0
61921 46,571 1,880 48,451 0
61750 45,773 1,492 47,265 0
64110 23,783 2,470 26,253 0
61925 24,737 663 25,400 0
61608 23,214 2,045 25,259 0
63622 22,568 1,532 24,100 0
64119 22,568 1,530 24,098 0
62746 4,998 2,734 7,732 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-8 of 8)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 717,721,258 16,101,644 733,822,902 7
119 nntp 3,546,982 1,779,253 5,326,235 6
666 155,875 644,416 800,291 256
70 gopher 7,437 362,951 370,388 5
80 http 23,200 256,550 279,750 21
7890 3,707 264,986 268,693 1
1965 gemini 7,205 142,019 149,224 5
443 https 4,278 5,324 9,602 3

UDP ports on this host

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
65360 37,805,876 6,489,460 44,295,336

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
51820 pivpn 6,489,460 37,805,876 44,295,336

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 19,557,143 721,469,942 741,027,085
17 udp 37,805,876 6,489,460 44,295,336