Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-12-05 05:43:21 UTC+0000 (277 days, 20 hrs, 44 mins, 25 secs ago)

In: 11,998,746
Out: 560,483,595
Total: 572,482,341

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 34)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
25248 6,817,988 341,491,546 348,309,534 0
28525 4,350,124 218,787,550 223,137,674 0
27797 470,896 153,076 623,972 0
25089 99,837 9,799 109,636 0
26898 76,343 5,632 81,975 0
26897 49,387 4,882 54,269 0
25588 35,423 2,857 38,280 0
26584 17,927 2,239 20,166 0
26901 17,622 2,153 19,775 0
27774 6,910 967 7,877 0
25590 4,788 965 5,753 0
26904 4,653 977 5,630 0
25598 4,230 967 5,197 0
25571 3,608 915 4,523 0
25570 3,568 915 4,483 0
26906 3,388 1,029 4,417 0
25589 3,348 957 4,305 0
26902 3,348 925 4,273 0
26585 3,348 913 4,261 0
25119 2,694 935 3,629 0
25585 2,590 915 3,505 0
25572 2,590 915 3,505 0
25578 2,590 915 3,505 0
26899 2,630 851 3,481 0
26895 2,590 883 3,473 0
25584 2,590 851 3,441 0
25577 548 1,232 1,780 0
25587 548 1,232 1,780 0
26583 496 1,170 1,666 0
26894 496 1,138 1,634 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 560,432,172 11,639,408 572,071,580 0
443 https 51,423 359,338 410,761 32

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 11,998,746 560,483,595 572,482,341