Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2023-11-27 04:15:12 UTC+0000 (285 days, 22 hrs, 16 mins, 10 secs ago)

In: 3,026,929,180
Out: 7,750,270,911
Total: 10,777,200,091

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 38)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
26913 1,953,246,808 36,629,807 1,989,876,615 0
26422 20,520,628 1,352,623,358 1,373,143,986 0
28144 16,112,476 1,211,534,211 1,227,646,687 0
26195 20,501,928 1,200,366,067 1,220,867,995 0
24949 17,920,460 902,174,648 920,095,108 0
28263 15,799,464 808,120,355 823,919,819 0
28262 15,674,572 808,152,938 823,827,510 0
28461 14,222,048 808,547,950 822,769,998 0
27373 10,852,500 557,627,591 568,480,091 0
25344 539,240,072 10,517,147 549,757,219 0
26968 286,763,288 5,615,215 292,378,503 0
26805 66,347,448 1,829,687 68,177,135 0
24981 32,705,336 2,139,008 34,844,344 0
24629 692,380 33,494,950 34,187,330 0
27340 218,544 10,326,542 10,545,086 0
27882 7,621,800 222,107 7,843,907 0
26899 4,470,744 176,555 4,647,299 0
27371 2,611,764 81,286 2,693,050 0
27290 1,180,540 53,912 1,234,452 0
25307 104,060 5,000 109,060 0
27870 55,928 6,086 62,014 0
25989 23,476 12,357 35,833 0
24738 29,999 1,316 31,315 0
28142 7,532 8,450 15,982 0
27253 819 878 1,697 0
27254 819 878 1,697 0
26046 512 488 1,000 0
24737 476 275 751 0
24740 408 275 683 0
24736 407 276 683 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-4 of 4)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 7,750,261,203 3,026,791,280 10,777,052,483 32
1965 gemini 5,000 104,060 109,060 1
79 finger 2,415 31,694 34,109 5
80 http 2,141 1,994 4,135 3

UDP ports on this host

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total
27620 76 76 152
26479 76 76 152

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
123 ntp 152 152 304

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 3,026,929,028 7,750,270,759 10,777,199,787
17 udp 152 152 304