Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-05 14:36:56 UTC+0000 (94 days, 11 hrs, 43 mins, 34 secs ago)

In: 1,421,965,813
Out: 4,537,638,903
Total: 5,959,604,716

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 41)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
62978 91,078,046 4,356,577,072 4,447,655,118 0
56499 1,040,505,004 18,080,079 1,058,585,083 0
56990 74,545,060 10,180,786 84,725,846 0
50587 69,145,032 10,094,422 79,239,454 0
16838 45,653,744 834,908 46,488,652 0
16361 13,886,968 272,448 14,159,416 0
16837 13,613,288 200,292 13,813,580 0
16368 10,375,984 229,948 10,605,932 0
16364 2,535,796 70,828 2,606,624 0
50586 1,800,904 243,128 2,044,032 0
50575 682,336 389,400 1,071,736 0
50583 789,048 108,848 897,896 0
4465 271,628 3,297 274,925 0
14872 48,684 143,620 192,304 0
18818 79,381 3,436 82,817 0
18814 79,380 1,960 81,340 0
19298 77,591 3,084 80,675 0
55029 77,564 3,084 80,648 0
19295 77,549 3,084 80,633 0
19798 77,471 3,044 80,515 0
19313 77,471 3,032 80,503 0
55526 77,471 3,032 80,503 0
19795 77,471 3,032 80,503 0
19309 77,471 3,032 80,503 0
20284 77,471 3,032 80,503 0
55057 77,471 3,032 80,503 0
20288 77,471 3,032 80,503 0
55036 77,471 3,032 80,503 0
19303 77,471 3,032 80,503 0
20303 77,471 3,032 80,503 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-9 of 9)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
2049 nfs 4,358,331,288 177,208,688 4,535,539,976 10
22 ssh 39,112,354 1,187,503,216 1,226,615,570 9
666 3,571,915 11,708,491 15,280,406 4,533
79 finger 123,873 2,682,042 2,805,915 142
7890 3,557 271,828 275,385 6
111 sunrpc 13,832 7,216 21,048 26
60065 10,600 6,488 17,088 17
80 http 344 184 528 2
21 ftp 172 192 364 1

UDP ports on this host

(1-13 of 13)
Port Service In Out Total
8924 6,701,892 94,643,896 101,345,788
58485 17,004,992 5,046,656 22,051,648
58969 2,347,920 14,542,928 16,890,848
8922 1,434,340 14,213,304 15,647,644
8911 8,550,924 5,041,780 13,592,704
8912 3,814,228 1,544,120 5,358,348
8915 1,475,836 883,412 2,359,248
58483 1,047,508 313,572 1,361,080
8918 117,364 46,704 164,068
58493 55,884 16,976 72,860
58486 12,164 5,612 17,776
58489 14,016 3,124 17,140
8921 400 1,216 1,616

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
51820 pivpn 136,303,300 42,577,468 178,880,768

IP protocols

(1-3 of 3)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 1,379,388,345 4,401,167,935 5,780,556,280
17 udp 42,577,468 136,303,300 178,880,768
1 icmp 0 167,668 167,668