Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-11 00:00:03 UTC+0000 (89 days, 2 hrs, 29 mins, 23 secs ago)

In: 6,167,545,904
Out: 83,755,562
Total: 6,251,301,466

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 41)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
16170 3,159,852,701 37,910,388 3,197,763,089 0
37347 2,725,111,108 41,484,812 2,766,595,920 0
56884 281,207,108 4,147,427 285,354,535 0
65530 468,736 68,951 537,687 0
56840 154,418 5,780 160,198 0
56690 135,937 5,144 141,081 0
33715 33,327 38,353 71,680 0
24715 32,195 37,260 69,455 0
34471 43,349 1,644 44,993 0
50156 40,613 1,660 42,273 0
24957 38,999 1,568 40,567 0
34032 38,947 1,568 40,515 0
35022 38,934 1,516 40,450 0
34161 19,291 880 20,171 0
4058 19,239 840 20,079 0
29837 18,490 788 19,278 0
46315 18,438 788 19,226 0
40896 12,746 696 13,442 0
48935 12,746 620 13,366 0
27575 10,718 580 11,298 0
43464 10,718 528 11,246 0
28108 7,706 516 8,222 0
35406 7,654 540 8,194 0
44866 7,419 552 7,971 0
37925 7,455 476 7,931 0
46172 7,455 476 7,931 0
29052 7,419 476 7,895 0
4886 6,427 484 6,911 0
42913 6,419 424 6,843 0
43332 3,076 3,036 6,112 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 32)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
57740 37,910,388 3,159,852,701 3,197,763,089 1
22 ssh 45,701,190 3,006,786,952 3,052,488,142 2
34511 5,780 154,418 160,198 1
21 ftp 81,924 72,366 154,290 5
59848 5,144 135,937 141,081 1
8048 1,644 43,349 44,993 1
54350 1,660 40,613 42,273 1
64125 1,568 38,999 40,567 1
38282 1,568 38,947 40,515 1
28860 1,516 38,934 40,450 1
9985 880 19,291 20,171 1
9979 840 19,239 20,079 1
28081 788 18,490 19,278 1
58196 788 18,438 19,226 1
57749 696 12,746 13,442 1
54413 620 12,746 13,366 1
41969 580 10,718 11,298 1
31104 528 10,718 11,246 1
10480 516 7,706 8,222 1
65209 540 7,654 8,194 1
63147 552 7,419 7,971 1
64396 476 7,455 7,931 1
44658 476 7,455 7,931 1
17764 476 7,419 7,895 1
35552 484 6,427 6,911 2
16692 424 6,419 6,843 1
32716 436 5,356 5,792 1
65528 372 5,408 5,780 1
28692 448 4,929 5,377 1
16427 372 4,929 5,301 1

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 6,167,545,904 83,755,562 6,251,301,466