Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-07 05:50:00 UTC+0000 (92 days, 20 hrs, 36 mins, 44 secs ago)

In: 2,599,472,859
Out: 394,730,017
Total: 2,994,202,876

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 49)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
52671 1,536,436,072 24,997,507 1,561,433,579 0
1508 963,619,044 18,460,288 982,079,332 0
58467 7,331,500 320,068,010 327,399,510 0
14131 326,812 17,861,007 18,187,819 0
13536 1,677,861 13,830 1,691,691 0
30771 934,520 248,548 1,183,068 0
54859 109,719 1,739 111,458 0
15946 80,769 1,586 82,355 0
55884 72,844 5,178 78,022 0
52104 72,856 5,018 77,874 0
59145 45,564 3,106 48,670 0
13703 35,161 2,060 37,221 0
52930 28,912 938 29,850 0
52763 25,309 1,413 26,722 0
52742 15,295 1,135 16,430 0
57229 4,471 2,348 6,819 0
13414 2,682 2,177 4,859 0
50571 4,095 763 4,858 0
52639 2,682 2,145 4,827 0
38686 2,804 1,633 4,437 0
57395 2,465 1,846 4,311 0
2312 2,784 1,517 4,301 0
34797 2,780 1,517 4,297 0
50224 2,777 1,517 4,294 0
61464 3,598 687 4,285 0
17717 2,787 1,477 4,264 0
11713 3,576 687 4,263 0
8954 2,746 1,517 4,263 0
2647 2,738 1,517 4,255 0
48384 2,772 1,477 4,249 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 381,648,724 2,508,793,808 2,890,442,532 6
80 http 34,510 1,953,827 1,988,337 17
666 258,127 949,763 1,207,890 375
7890 1,586 80,769 82,355 1
443 https 4,322 5,364 9,686 2

UDP ports on this host

(1-5 of 5)
Port Service In Out Total
33361 61,594,452 8,094,300 69,688,752
42088 25,144,156 4,505,108 29,649,264
58385 862,360 173,608 1,035,968
31576 44,604 9,732 54,336
54263 43,756 0 43,756

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
51820 pivpn 12,782,748 87,689,328 100,472,076

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 2,511,783,531 381,947,269 2,893,730,800
17 udp 87,689,328 12,782,748 100,472,076