Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-15 09:20:02 UTC+0000 (84 days, 17 hrs, 16 mins, 20 secs ago)

In: 5,304,790,220
Out: 4,731,897,798
Total: 10,036,688,018

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 50)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
8712 86,207,888 4,575,021,615 4,661,229,503 0
45009 3,169,077,656 54,545,883 3,223,623,539 0
3334 766,427,672 10,694,207 777,121,879 0
46096 399,584 15,768,567 16,168,151 0
36236 507,916 115,767 623,683 0
23436 212,150 2,466 214,616 0
60506 109,155 1,779 110,934 0
13858 92,940 6,398 99,338 0
41143 72,356 5,378 77,734 0
52050 14,580 10,224 24,804 0
42579 14,264 10,167 24,431 0
22017 9,494 1,478 10,972 0
15744 8,180 1,470 9,650 0
10304 6,820 1,517 8,337 0
50396 6,820 1,517 8,337 0
51163 6,816 1,517 8,333 0
55206 6,731 811 7,542 0
22706 6,772 763 7,535 0
64590 6,742 711 7,453 0
57939 6,739 711 7,450 0
61919 6,499 687 7,186 0
16632 5,578 1,122 6,700 0
18133 5,531 823 6,354 0
29007 5,520 811 6,331 0
16731 5,466 803 6,269 0
24623 5,518 739 6,257 0
62925 5,530 727 6,257 0
14967 5,429 823 6,252 0
64190 5,504 727 6,231 0
1167 2,709 1,123 3,832 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-4 of 4)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
22 ssh 4,656,178,358 4,022,814,896 8,678,993,254 9
666 3,623,082 14,365,999 17,989,081 5,300
7890 2,466 212,150 214,616 1
80 http 2,044 109,391 111,435 2

UDP ports on this host

(1-4 of 4)
Port Service In Out Total
1396 1,229,519,152 61,328,920 1,290,848,072
23644 34,619,860 9,263,920 43,883,780
40325 2,751,956 1,269,088 4,021,044
57007 396,816 229,920 626,736

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
51820 pivpn 72,091,848 1,267,287,784 1,339,379,632

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 4,037,502,436 4,659,805,950 8,697,308,386
17 udp 1,267,287,784 72,091,848 1,339,379,632