Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: a0:bd:cd:8a:3d:11

Last seen: 2024-06-11 18:40:40 UTC+0000 (88 days, 7 hrs, 55 mins, 37 secs ago)

In: 8,384,176,305
Out: 154,352,529
Total: 8,538,528,834

TCP ports on this host

(1-30 of 60)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
3145 46,855,905 847,051 47,702,956 0
27533 46,645,392 867,791 47,513,183 0
25444 46,247,364 819,291 47,066,655 0
21357 45,984,270 827,111 46,811,381 0
58809 45,435,976 831,247 46,267,223 0
4840 43,718,160 787,663 44,505,823 0
40779 43,250,070 776,547 44,026,617 0
21790 41,551,532 749,555 42,301,087 0
34602 29,635,896 540,683 30,176,579 0
5153 29,541,680 523,911 30,065,591 0
34418 28,956,196 513,995 29,470,191 0
55814 28,495,576 512,279 29,007,855 0
12625 28,219,140 505,647 28,724,787 0
8736 28,137,450 501,283 28,638,733 0
53262 27,761,452 496,051 28,257,503 0
3817 27,658,918 498,211 28,157,129 0
58195 27,638,863 504,031 28,142,894 0
57501 26,357,182 477,107 26,834,289 0
38460 25,673,622 460,811 26,134,433 0
43324 25,635,989 471,155 26,107,144 0
16494 25,044,325 447,845 25,492,170 0
43171 24,380,802 450,799 24,831,601 0
44380 22,651,098 403,471 23,054,569 0
32941 22,333,094 399,631 22,732,725 0
2067 20,913,964 378,143 21,292,107 0
56128 20,882,155 379,335 21,261,490 0
24617 20,624,194 374,271 20,998,465 0
26044 20,376,072 368,015 20,744,087 0
23217 20,236,348 364,833 20,601,181 0
55904 19,654,269 361,171 20,015,440 0

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 154,352,529 8,384,176,305 8,538,528,834 1,168

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 8,384,176,305 154,352,529 8,538,528,834